Media Will Blame Lack of Natural Snow at Winter Olympics on Climate Change But That’s Another Lie

The People’s Republic Olympics are fast approaching, and if you are focused on the hyper-virulent NeoCOVID variant release conspiracy, it’s time to expand your arsenal.

There’s more than one plan within plans to consider. The Climate Cult may be working its sinister magic as well.

Global Warming could doom more than world wonders, beachfront property, and hundreds of other things, including The Olympics. As if we’d be missing something like more transwomen taking medals in “female competition.”


“An International Olympic Committee evaluation report said that Zhangjiakou and Yanqing – the Games zones hosting alpine skiing and snowboarding, among other outdoor events – “would rely completely on artificial snow.”


Artificial snow! OMG! Is that like astroturf or PEDs? We need Marxism! But China already has massive world-setting emissions, secret police, central planning, and a social credit system. But no snow at their Winter Olympics!

F-ing Capitalists? Nope!

Chinese Central Planners planned to have these Olympics in a place that gets cold enough but has almost no precipitation in the months before the event.


The CCP and their affiliates in the US press are about to pull a climate propaganda coup over the upcoming Winter Olympics – which are being held in a place which normally receives no precipitation during the winter.



preceip China olympics


It averages about half an inch of precipitation between November and February (sometimes referred to as winter) and not much more the other eight months of a year. Barring a freak weather event (which would be blamed on global Warming), this location is one of the worst places to hold a Winter Olympics if real snow matters.

It looks like you have to make snow to have any snow.

Consider yourself armed and dangerous.

When local cultists ape media musings about the lack of natural snow at The Winter Olympics, you can jump in and piss off the so-called fact-checkers with a fact.

If central planning is so great, why did they plan the winter Olympics in a place that get’s almost no snow?




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