Former Clinton-Connected Peace Corps Chief Indicted for Voting Illegally in NH Wants a Jury Trial

The case of Mary Kate Lowndes, after months of fiddling about, is back in the news. Lowndes, a former chief recruiting officer for the Peace Corps,  (earning $167,000.00 /year) was a DC resident who registered to vote in New Hampshire from a shopping plaza in Derry.

And Lowndes’ vote fraud was persistent. Despite being domiciled in the District of Columbia she registered to vote in New Hampshire using a commercial address in a strip mall as her NH residence” in 2016. An address that was a stone’s throw from the nearby Clinton for President campaign office.

Side note: NH Dems have been pulling that stunt for decades.

In 2018 Democrat Mary Kate Lowndes’ is accused of requesting and submitting an absentee ballot in a Federal election in New Hampshire. And why wouldn’t she? Thousands of such votes are cast every two years in the Granite State by people who do not live here but are allowed to vote here.

This happens whenever Dems need to tip a race (so, every election) regardless of local or national but more commonly in mid-term and presidential years.  In 2022, for example, we’ll have Lefties from Dem majority states swarming to New Hampshire to help Maggie Hassan stay in DC (which is how she won that seat in the first place). They will also want to scrape away at the Republican legislative majority in the State House, prop up Dems Kuster and Pappas in Congress (Pappas may actually be vulnerable), and deny Sununu his fourth term as Governor.

Thousands of fraudulent votes, every election, so the fact that the AG is actually pressing one case is unusual but if they lose it that will not. NH AG’s are notorious regardless of the party in power, for failing to protect the votes of actual Granite Stater’s

Their failures are legion.

I assume that is why Lowndes retained a Lawyer from Shaheen and Gordon and intends to fight charges that could result in 10K in fines and up to ten years in prison.

The odds are forever in her favor.

Sure, every now and again the AG’s elections division will make a case, typically some idiot one-off out-of-state student who gets a slap on the wrist or some actual local who votes twice “by mistake.”

If convicted the perps can be banned from ever voting in any NH election again but that is a rare punishment, too rare. And out-of-state voters are not intimidated by that threat. All it does is require them to vote absentee in their own state.

The only right they are denied is the one invented by The left that says they can vote here or there – a right NH residents do not enjoy. But so far the courts have not been adequately pressed to explain why that is not a violation of the Constitution, common sense, or hey, equal protection of anti-discrimination law.

The trial was again postponed so we do not know when or if Lowndes’ will stand before a jury of her peers which is a bit of a misnomer. I don’t think NH is going to impanel 12 out-of-state residents who voted here, not they couldn’t find them easily enough.

Maybe they can use that in her defense?




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