75% Of American Adults Agree That There Are Only Two Genders, Male and Female

by Skip

My oft-stated phrase about “redefining our common language out from underneath us” comes to mind but “hijack” for strictly political purposes is what has been done here.

SHOT: The word “gender” is a slightly more genteel way of saying “sex.”

That is was how it was always understood until Leftists hijacked the word a few years ago, asserting that while there are only two sexes, male and female, defined by XX vs XY chromosomes, there are a large and growing number of “genders.” This never made any sense, and it is nice to see that hardly anyone buys the left-wing spin.

And Democracy is at risk, in danger, and will end unless everyone adopts their political philosophy (e.g. “grab Political Power by any means available).

Here in NH, it seems to work just fine. And absolute nonsense but there are those that actually believe that 1) that supposition is true, and 2) we’re actually a Democracy instead of a Republic.  Our Founders knew how dangerous a direct Democracy had been in history, so that’s why, in their push to make the US a Democracy, it is very easy to assert that it is Democrats that are the Domestic Terrorists and not those Parents who disagree with School Boards.  But I digress…

CHASERRasmussen polling confirms Democrats are the outliers – abstracted:

  • 75% of American Adults agree that there are only two genders, male and female. That total includes 63% who Strongly Agree. Eighteen percent (18%) disagree.
  • 68% believe schools and teachers should not be allowed to counsel students on their sexual and gender identities without parental knowledge or consent (80% of Republicans, 54% of Democrats and 72% of those unaffiliated with either major party)
  • Democrats (47%) are less likely than Republicans (82%) or the unaffiliated (60%) to say they Strongly Agree there are only two genders

And then there are the Stupid ones:

  • Americans with incomes of $200,000 a year or more are most likely to disagree with the statement that there are only two genders, male and female.

And the rational for gender is not sex isn’t gender is by the use of “Social Construct”. Well, ain’t that just the cat’s meow – make up yet another phrase that is used as the linchpin to redefine basic biology to push forward a political Agenda (or is that agender?). After all, by making anything in reality be “relative”, you get to redefine anything to be anything you want. Just like the Democrats are trying to redefine Parents who love their children more than they do the Democrat Agenda to be Domestic Terrorists.  Isn’t that just a hoot – and trying to make the other half of Society to be called dangerous relative to everyone else not dangerous in and of itself?

We who actually know history understand what this can lead to – it’s been done over and over again especially in the last century.

Is this why our Government schools suck so badly in teaching the basics? To make sure that no one in Society knows absolutes anymore:

Americans under 40 are more likely than their elders to believe schools and teachers should be allowed to counsel students on their sexual and gender identities without parental knowledge or consent.

How much more “relative / Social Construct” do we have to get in violating one of the most important truisms there are – that Parents are responsible for the raising of their children and not Government. Why bother being Parents if all you are going to do with them if you’re just going throw them away to Government?

Oh, BTW, if all it takes is you defending all this is the “relative” idea that “Social Construct” covers your lack of debating skill, you’re acting just like Harry Reid did in destroying the US Senate filibuster on judicial appointments. Look what happened to that “Social Construct” once Cocaine Mitch became the Majority Leader and y’all Democrats have been whelping ever since.

Thus, MY “identity’s” Social Construct says that gender and sex are the same thing and you’re not allowed to judge me for it.

Otherwise, you’re proving to the rest of us that you’re trying to pull a fast one simply because of your thirst for Power.

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