New Trend in COVID Fascism – Banning the Unvaccinated from Grocery Stores …

I’d love to get His Excellency’s opinion on this trend. He who won’t meddle in the vaccine policies of private businesses. Privately owned grocery stores in New Brunswick, Canada, can now ban the unvaccinated.



Well, Governor Sununu, what say you?

Wait, let’s give you a few more options. In Austria, the unvaccinated, assuming they are not in jail, can get treated like this.


Which will protect the unvaccinated from the infected-vaccinated and their potential to shed spike proteins, something they will do to each other, given that the vaccines don’t prevent infection or spread. But that’s not what they’re thinking, and this is just a step in the same direction as New Brunswick.

They tried the same thing in Luxembourg, but the untainted unvaxxed masses took those barricades down.



How would you or, for those outside the State – anyone, expect their governors to react to that?

In a state where saying Amen in the wrong crowd might get you arrested, I imagine it would not go over well. Still, these would be private businesses, so again, does the State take a hands-off approach to these vaccine policies, or would they, as we suspect, be selective in their intervention?

The world is losing its mind.

We need elected officials (at least in America) whose priority is the rights of the individuals, not some vague, changing collective landscape defined by a single politician or who runs a particular bureaucracy. You know that land of laws crap that creates the stable environment in which people operate not just without fear or arbitrary retribution but in every aspect of their day-to-day lives.

Tomorrow an entire school could be masked or go remote.

Next week someone might redefine our rights away on a whim, and in New Hampshire, we do not have political machinery in place to protect us from these abuses.

If that’s beyond you, Governor Sununu, or the rest of you wherever you live, how about you pick a side. Either be a predictable tyrant or defend the people against these domestic threats to liberty.

Lord knows the State meddles in private business in more ways than we can count, so why are you hands-off now as the people’s rights in once-free lands deteriorate into unpredictable chaos?

And not just over a lousy vaccine that doesn’t do what its advocates claim. If forced pharmaceutical injections are not over the line, what discrimination can’t or won’t the State allow in the future.

I can’t think of a single thing and that translates to liberty is dead unless you a**holes stand up and defend it from all threats.

You can’t see me, but I can assure you that I am NOT holding my breath. But I am looking for your replacements, and I’m not alone.




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