Has Anyone Checked the North Pole Lately?


Has anyone checked the North Pole lately? I’m only asking because Al Gore predicted 13 yrs ago it was supposed to be ice-free by 2018. I would think Santa would have something to say if it was, but even if it wasn’t, never fear!

China is looking to expand its weather modification program by 2025 so we should be fine. What could possibly go wrong?

Well, strange weather for one. And since that horrific storm system that ripped through Kentucky leaving over 100 dead in a 200-mile long tornado, while spinning off other twisters in Missouri, Kentucky, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Illinois last Friday night and early Saturday, the climate crazies have been riled up and are now blaming this tragedy on…..climate change.

For real? Yes, for real.

So while they go ahead and do that, here is a fine list of charities, both local and national, helping the victims if you’d like to contribute. Love conquers hate.

Switching gears, let’s take a jaunt back to our story of the ‘female’ UPenn swimmer.

Seems an enlightening thread has popped up chronicling some of the males who have gone on to win in women’s sporting events, including how well they did in their respective male categories before they started to ‘identify’ as women. Let’s just say some never even made the grade in their sport.

Sad I guess, but if winning at all cost means losing your dignity, then ‘you go girl’!

Thankfully, J.K. Rowling, of Harry Potter fame, isn’t buying into this ‘fembot’ narrative and has continued to be a staunch supporter of two sexes, male and female, despite all the troll poop being hurled at her. But don’t fret, as they hate on her, she’s cashing checks bigger than the GDP of Norway.

And speaking of Harry Potter, who hasn’t wished that they could do an old abracadabra-swish-and-flick on this whole C-19 chaos? Well, it seems that some folks have decided to take matters into their own hands and try to make the jab disappear.

Let me introduce two very creative individuals who, in my opinion, are the gold and silver medalists in the Jab-out Olympics.

Our Silver Medalist hails from New Zealand and took 10 C-19 jabs in one (1) day for ‘customers’ who’d rather not while our Gold Medalist is an Italian gentleman who decided to craft himself a false arm to be used during the jabbing process.

I am sure there will be more contenders for this event as the months continue so let’s keep supporting these brave, and creative, athletes.

Yet the C-19 Olympics does have a dark side. A federal grand jury on Friday indicted a South Carolina nurse on two counts of producing fake vaccine cards but as it’s not a real “vaccine,” is she really guilty of anything at all? Inquiry minds want to know…

Over on the education front, the General Counsel for the NEA, the largest teachers union, claims they are “effective advocates because we have power.” Like what does that even mean….has he seen the current education system? But wait. Have you seen the “Dash for Cash” video where teachers were subjected to stuffing their shirts with dollar bills in the hope of raising funds for their classrooms? No, I’m not kidding…

And speaking of cash, here is one Swede who is trying to keep the dream of cash alive in his country. Yes, it’s a noble effort to keep cash circulating yet the bigger picture may prove to be a financial maelstrom which we all need to be aware of. As former HUD Secretary says, we need to change how and who we do business with. And what business has more impact on the global economy than oil? Maybe pharma but that’s for another day.

Good luck with all that…

-The Grumpy Observer<


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