Gov. Nuisance Wants Anti-Gun Legislation in CA that Mirrors Texas Abortion Law

Gavin Nuisance is on another one of his liberal war paths – I know as if he has any other. This time after bad-mouthing the way a federal court upheld Texas’ abortion law, he’s ignoring his disdain and suggesting Leftifornia do the same thing but for firearms.

For starters,


The Texas Heartbeat Act, also known as Senate Bill 8, declares that it is illegal to perform an abortion after about six weeks of a pregnancy but gives the state no direct role in enforcing that ban. Instead, it authorizes private lawsuits in state courts against doctors or clinic owners who violate its provisions.


Gov. Nuisance figures California should do the same thing.


Newsom said he was directing his staff to work with the state Legislature and Atty. Gen. Rob Bonta on a new law that would allow private citizens to sue manufacturers or distributors of assault weapons as well as ghost gun kits or parts.


Remember that Nuisance isn’t hoping to disarm Texans (though he’d love that). He’s more interested in disarming Californians.

Allowing average citizens (I assume that includes illegal aliens) to sue gun stores and manufacturers for damages they may not have even suffered, he’s hoping to drive them out of business or out of California. A problem that gun-rights groups warned about when the Texas law was proposed, passed, and then went to court.

I’m not going to dig into the finer points of whatever that’s all about, but I will say this.

The US Constitution includes the right to keep and bear arms. States that refuse to uphold these rights but embrace the path upon which Nuisance has set his pretty little top-dollar dress shoes may find that out the hard way. Well, the private citizens (see also deep-pocketed anti-gun activist groups) who sue will end up paying.

In states where court costs and legal fees can be recouped for frivolous lawsuits, well – let them pay that as the price if this is what it takes.

Or, maybe what Texas has done needs to be undone (and they need to find another way) even though there is no right to abortion in the Constitution. A problem for the Supreme Court in the future, no doubt – not that we want to rely on them for anything.

I’d like to see California do this so we can watch what happens. And while I’d not want to consign the people to further abuse of their rights by Democrats who destroy everything they touch, if millions of illegals can cross thousands of miles with nothing to start over, California gun store owners and Constitution embracing residents can do the same thing.

Just remember to stop voting as if you live in California after you leave, or all you’re doing is spreading the Nuisance to other states and wrecking the Republic in the Process.

If we wanted high crime, rampant homelessness, and our rights abused, we’d move there (or New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Massachusetts, and so on).


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