Gov. Nuisance Signs Bill to Ban Most Gas Powered Lawn Equipment and Portable Back Up Generators

Instead of finding a way to pressure China to stop polluting, Gov. Gavin Nuisance just signed a law making it out on Californians. I’m not saying they didn’t get what they deserved, but most of the people affected probably didn’t vote for these idiots, and now they’ve got two years to comply or undo it.

Undo, what? AB-1346. It’s a new law that goes into effect in January of 2024, and it effectively bans all small gas-powered engines to reduce CO2 emissions.

I know, a meaningless gesture, but for Left-Coasters, it will be a big problem. Leaf-blowers, lawnmowers, portable generators, chain saws, edgers, any small engine equipment could be affected. That includes emergency response equipment.


This is beyond serious. Imagine trying to fight the fire approaching your house, only to have a low battery light start flashing on your fire fighting water pump. Or someone who requires powered medical equipment, like oxygen generators or sleep apnea devices, struggling through an extended power outage without proper treatment for their health condition.

Gasoline powered equipment, barring a mechanical failure, works as long as you can keep it supplied with gasoline. But battery equipment needs power to recharge it. Where do you get more power, if the sky is covered with smoke or clouds, or the solar panels are covered in dust, snow or ash, and the power lines are down?


The Appropriate board has rule-making authority, so expect the usual concessions. Well-heeled interests will get dispensations, and everyone else can go screw.

Typical business, especially in California, but here’s something I do not see in any of the coverage. Everyone is talking about the switch to battery power and the added weight from spares or portable power equipment (landscaping/lawn care, for example), but where the hell is California going to get the electricity to charge all of these new toys?

It’s not coming from wind or solar, and California can barely keep the lights on now. Gov. Brown-outs are not uncommon but will be before this standard is implemented. At which point, not only will you not be able to buy a reliable gas-powered piece of equipment, you may not be able to charge the replacement they made you get at twice the price.

On the bright side, your electric bill can’t go up if there’ no electricity.

Welcome to utopia.

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