Loudon County Virginia Parents File for Removal of School Board Chair - Granite Grok

Loudon County Virginia Parents File for Removal of School Board Chair

Brenda Sheridan Loudon County School Board Chair

Loudon County Virginia Schools are about as #woke as they come, and that School board could care less how parents feel about that. But the School Board Chair’s time may be up. Parents have filed to have her removed.


“As Chairwoman, Brenda Sheridan has overseen and personally contributed to a complete breakdown in trust between the community and the Loudoun County School Board. From violating open meetings law to ignoring the school board’s code of conduct to neglecting to keep our children safe, all for her activist causes, Sheridan has been nothing short of a disaster as the so-called leader of Loudoun County Public Schools.”


Sheridan was an active member of a Facebook group we reported on back in March. Its purpose was to coordinate the intimidation of parents and teachers who opposed CRT. It even had an enemies list. The group’s existence was made public, and the already shaky relationship between the board and the community fell apart almost overnight.

By which I mean parents mobilized to take back THEIR School Board.

Sheridan and the Board were having none of it, but things have not gone well in Wokeistan. The board has repeatedly made national news, and not in a good way. The most recent event was the coverup of rape in the girl’s school bathroom by a cross-dressing boy who claimed to be trans.

It sounds like a recall election is the path to replacing her, but there are other interested parties. According to Legal Insurrection, Virginia’s new Republican Attorney General has taken an interest in the situation. Once in office credible charges of “open meetings law to ignoring the school board’s code of conduct” could be enough to drive her out, though I doubt she’ll go quietly, which is excellent news.

She’s a zealot. From here on out the more, she digs in, the worse it will look for the radical Marxist movement she champions.

That’s a victory for parents everywhere.
