Thank You for Not Allowing the Governor to Sell Out Our State

Dear New Hampshire Executive Council, Thank you for not allowing the governor to sell out OUR State. It doesn’t matter whether the federal government offered New Hampshire 30 pieces of silver or 27 million dollars.

The result still would have been the betrayal of the people of New Hampshire.

The principles, personal choices, and freedoms of individual Granite Staters should never be for sale.

Today, far too many of our political leaders are only concerned with their careers instead of the Constitution they swore to defend.

The governor should be ashamed of himself.

We want to thank Michael Petruzziello for this article. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you want us to consider, please submit it to

Thank you so much for showing him what courage looks like and for standing up for the people.

May God Bless you all.


Michael Petruzziello
Major, USMC (Ret)

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