Huge March of NH Citizens Demand Freedom from Mandates and Government Overreach

Today’s turnout at the Medical March for Freedom was nothing less than awe-inspiring. A reporter on the scene said he hadn’t seen a turnout like this since Obama tried to grab your guns.

Marching a half-mile loop from the public library, around the block, and down Main Street toward the State House, an estimated 1,500 marchers demanded their liberty with cries of “we will not comply,” “my body, my choice,” and “freedom over fear.”

The marchers gathered at the State library, beginning the march with spontaneous break-outs of the Pledge of Allegiance and songs like the national anthem, “God Bless America,”  and the Battle Hymn of the Republic. In an orderly and peaceful way, they marched several city blocks, with the large crowd spanning at least 3 full blocks in size.

A freedom rally followed the March, including speakers Thomas McLeod and Rep. Leah Cushman, members of the executive board of RebuildNH. Rep. Cushman implored the crowd that we must begin talking one-on-one to our friends and neighbors – they must know where we stand, and we must work to convince them to support the cause of freedom.


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