To Damien Fisher at NH Journal, The “Listening Sessions” Are as Much a Problem as the Schools Districts’ DIE Activities

by Skip

DIE (Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity) are the Three Horsemen of Critical Race Theory. And Academic rigor, for which we pay our now REALLY uppity Education staffs, is dying for all of this indoctrination.

Damien Fisher, writing at NH Journal, “SAU 16 Diversity Director: ‘I Won’t Leave BLM’, pretty much gives “DIE-J” (the J standing for Justice as in the “Social Justice” which really means Mob Justice) a whitewash.

Where’s the so-called journalism?

Like, how can BLM Seacoast Board Member (and SAU16 Diversity Director) Andres Mejia treat religious kids and conservative kids, whose morality stems from their Parents, fairly when it is CLEAR that he is a political operative pushing an anti-family / anti-White (BLM) morality and worldview that is 180 degrees from theirs?

As a director of that Seacoast BLM, it is CLEAR that their philosophy is going to be injected into the District. And he confirms that his outlook is going to become the outlook of the Districts because he won’t leave the Seacoast BLM? That’s the job of a DIE-J “director.”

He was hired BECAUSE of that background. Is he going to trumpet, even louder, to get rid of the District’s School Resource police? Will he be a mouthpiece for the Seacoast BLM?

Or, did Superintendent David Ryan only hire him as a token Black? Hardly, given all that the District is doing to obfuscate the questions that are being asked meeting after meeting. It truly seems that he believes that the District is HIS – and not the Parents that pay his salary and bennies.

Like I keep saying, the Educational-Industrial Complex believes that your kids really are THEIR kids – they have no problem in classifying you as mere breeding pairs. THEY are in charge and you WILL obey them.

Anything else is just Whitewash. Or should I say Blackwash?  Again, who is paying for all this “tarring and feathering” of Parents by the District?

I don’t know for sure but it would be nice, given that most School Budgets around the State have been voted upon and put into place, to know what GL account codes are being used to pay this BLM evangelist.

The Activists there ought to be starting a baseline on the District with respect to student achievement (re: objective standards of learning with respect to the District’s standardized test scores like NEAP, NECAP, or whatever the latest name is).

There’s a reason why “Go Woke, go Broke” exists and my fear is that it will be the Academic scores that are going to get tossed into the toilet as the Race War/Critical Race Theory/DIE/Cultural Responsive Learning / <insert latest Fad name here> takes over every subject matter.

And how dare I, a White dude, challenge it?

Pffft – I’ve been called a racist (for no reason at all for years- just ask Zandra Rice-Hawkins about her trying to do that) so I really don’t care. But to be truthful, the above is NOT the main reason for this post.  It IS, however, about the last line in the post:

Ryan promises more “listening sessions” in the future and more opportunities for parents to ask more questions.

THAT’s the problem. The refusal to honestly engage by School Board members when School Board meeting attendees start asking questions.

At most School Board meetings, attendees are treated, more often than not, to the EISFS syndrome (Easter Island StoneFaced Statues) in which the “Public Comment” or “Public Input” sessions are just that: one way messaging. Parents, Voters, and others are treated to a time where they can speak (unless their Free Speech rights are terminated mid-sentence when the School Board doesn’t like what’s being said) but their Elected Representative just sit there, tightlipped, showing the rest of us their best poker faces – with no response. And when you look at the School Board Policies, they have effectively walled themselves off from having to interact with those talking and asking questions of them.

In this, the NH School Board Association has locked their lips together as well as the Spanish Inquisition did – and in almost every District?  Doubt me? Hey, Parents, you will be shocked to see how your School Board has shoved you aside in a few well-inserted Policies by your Boards (delivered, ever so daintily by your Superintendents acting as errand boys to the NH School Board Association). And then ask them how much YOU are paying, in Dues, to the NHSBA for smacking you around by said Policies!

Such a racket!  Every other local board and commission in town will have that back and forth with those that attend. What makes School Board members so uppity that once voted into office that they can then so easily ignore those that put them in those seats?

SOMEBODY had GOT to do something about it! Somebody has to…

…oh wait – I AM. Along with some friends.

After all, if it is always “Somebody has to do something”, then generally, NObody does anything. Get off yer duffs and make it happen. And if you want some clues, let me know.

To be continued…


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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