Arizona Gov Says No Grant Money for Schools that Impose Mask Mandates (Good!)…But then He Loses Me

Democrats are losing what passes for their mind in Arizona. Governor Doug Ducey says no extra grant funds for you if you violate the state law. He’s referring to school districts that force kids to mask up this fall.

In response to the CDC’s latest mask-up mandate, Gov Ducey wrote,


“Arizona does not allow mask mandates, vaccine mandates, vaccine passports or discrimination in schools based on who is or isn’t vaccinated. We’ve passed all of this into law, and it will not change.


Zero Hedge adds more,


“Parents are in the driver’s seat, and it’s their right to make decisions that best fit the needs of their children. Safety recommendations are welcomed and encouraged–mandates that place more stress on students and families aren’t,” the governor said in a statement Tuesday. “These grants acknowledge efforts by schools and educators that are following state laws and keeping their classroom doors open for Arizona’s students.”


And that’s all well and good, but then he loses me.


“Public health officials in Arizona and across the country have made it clear that the best protection against COVID-19 is the vaccine. Today’s announcement by the CDC will unfortunately only diminish confidence in the vaccine and create more challenges for public health officials 一 people who have worked tirelessly to increase vaccination rate.


We’ve explored the reason for the latest mask mandate from the CDC for vaccinated persons. Their vaccine doesn’t make the Jabbed less likely to get the flu or to transmit it. So, while Ducey may be right about state laws prohibiting mask-mandates, he’s skipping the part about why the CDC had to invoke the use of the pointless icon of Pandemic Politics compliance in the first place. Masks.

The vaccine doesn’t do anything they said it would and lots of things it shouldn’t, including killing thousands and possibly tens of thousands.

After 18 months of this crap, we know that the best protection is neither masks nor their failed experimental vaccines. It is natural immunity. And you can’t get that if you take Jab Juice before you’ve developed it.

All that aside, we’re talking about flu that had an over 98%+ survival rate nationwide. It’s not a plague or a scourge or anything else. It is a flu politicized through false fear promulgated by mask mandates and vaccines that don’t do anything and may make matters worse.

So, I’d say “good job,” but everyone knows that half a job is no job.



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