As Maskapalooza 2.0 (the second covering) looms on the horizon -for some it’s already crept over and surrounded them- it seemed appropriate to ask this question? Does the Maskasaurus have its own theme music yet?
The Maskholes need a march and you’re job is to find it.
We want you to share links to music you think would be ideal for the march of the Maskholes.
I know, they don’t do anything good and several things are bad. We’ve written hundreds of stories. But the goobers in DC are considering a federal mandate and while we push back and tell them to GFT we need music. Something sinister and foreboding.
Or, comic and goofy.
Whatever you think works.
Links in comments may need to be approved before they appear so maybe just song title and artist or a source first and a link separately.
Have at it. I’ll write a review in a few days and we’ll do a poll and vote on it.