Majority of Americans Agree: Biden is Probably Not Calling the Shots in “His” Administration

For the past six months, we’ve published posts about Joe Biden peppered with the phrase “Whoever is Running the Biden Administration” (WRBA). We know it’s not him. You know it. And a new poll says that over 56% of Americans agree.


A new poll released on Monday found the majority of Americans believe that “others” are really running the show in President Joe Biden’s administration and not Biden himself.


– 56.5% of American voters do not believe that President Biden is fully executing the duties of his office, while 36.4% believe he is directing all policy and agenda

– 31.7% of Democrat voters do not believe that President Biden is fully executing the duties of his office, while 58.6% believe he is directing all policy and agenda

– 83.6% of Republican voters do not believe that President Biden is fully executing the duties of his office, while 11% believe he is directing all policy and agenda

– 58.4% of Independent voters do not believe that President Biden is fully executing the duties of his office, while 36.1% believe he is directing all policy and agenda


These are some historical numbers. Nearly 60% of Independents and almost  32% of Democrats do not think Biden is completing the job for which he applied and now occupies (I’m reluctant to say we hired him). And while this news is not surprising to us (83.6% of Republicans knew it or suspected), to hear that a third of Dems have doubts is a blistering critique.

Related: Whoever is Running the Biden Administration (WRBA) is Erasing History

WRBA. Sorry, WRBA?

Most of us suspect it is Obama people who have filled key positions by default and therefore Obama 3.0. And that’s a fair statement because Obama didn’t exactly run his own Administration. He was a state senator from Illinois who spent a few years warming a US Senate seat. He had no executive experience, just a pretty face (ideologically speaking) that could deliver a pitch until the shine wore off, and that happened quickly.

Obama did Jimmy Carter a favor by being the worst president in modern history, and now Biden is doing Barry a solid – thanks to the same people who made him a failure.

The loser is Americans (and our allies to some degree). And that won’t improve if they walk Biden out to pasture. Sundown Joe can be likable in a sad but true losing his mind sort of way. His replacement is not likable at all and if this is possible, less capable than Biden.

And while the Harris Administration will be run by the same puppetmasters, any incentive to feel sorry (‘cuz Joe) will be gone. And as bad as that is, it may actually be good if we survive.

The midterms could be a political bloodbath even the cheatin’ Dems can’t overcome.



  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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