DISQUS Doodlings -A Great Example of the Left Calling We Who Dissent Mentally ill and Should Be Silenced

by Skip

I was going to post up more from my other foray into the Eco-Socialist fringe of the Left where I generally amuse myself in annoying those that can’t prove what they preach.

Instead, Treehugger’s Heat Wave Continues to Bake US Northwest caught my eye yesterday and the REPLYs just started to write themselves.  And now I get to bring them back to you, along with the more important “how do they REALLY see us” message from “Francesca” that makes it rather plain. As always, a bit of reformatting and emphasis mine:

ANYONE who still denies that climate change is real needs to seek professional help. Bottom line. ANYONE still denying the absolute plethora of undeniable evidence needs to keep quiet, shut their mouth, and let others take control to fix what is an existential crisis that threatens to end human life on this planet. ANYONE still denying and vocalising and pushing a position that seeks to derail genuine attempts to fix this most pressing of human problems is a sociopath. Bottom line. ANYONE who takes this position needs to take a good, long, hard look in the mirror. To these people I say it is your responsibility, not anyone else’s, to educate yourself, to look at the enormous amount of evidence and process the information being delivered to you, which has been in the public domain now FOR DECADES. I say stop creating doubt by repeating parrot fashion outrageous falsehoods about the current state of play. Just shut up, step aside, and let those with the education, ability and ingenuity do whatever is needed to fix the problem. Because ANYONE still denying this problem is real is a danger to all of us and they need to be shut down, for the survival of this planet and the survival of our children, grandchildren and generations not yet born.

Cute, isn’t she. I bet she’s the life of the no-carbon cocktail gatherings. She actually repeated the above, almost verbatim, twice. I’m betting that she doesn’t realize that totalitarian governments (Soviet Union, ChiComs, Cuba…the normal historical Communist regimes) have all employed those same tactics. Ditto fervent religious adherents like those who conducted the Spanish Inquisition.

Yet, like others, she’s uninformly planted into that “Environmentalism trumps EVERYTHING” (yes, she sounds like you know who) without considering what the rest of us actually know and believe:

Ah – first, Otherize them by calling them mentally ill. Then, Cancel and Silence them. And remember, as the most adaptable species on Earth, we’ll figure out how to, well, adapt. And again, I’ve been listening to the Eco-Doom-and-Gloomers since the first Earth Day (yes, I’m almost older than dirt) and not a SINGLE prophecy from them has occurred. Change my mind if you can.  Climate changes all dang day long but while a lot of people are theorizing that Man is the root cause, history through the Epochs shows we aren’t.

And as far as education is concerned, I hold two STEM degrees (Bio and C.S.) and have done biological computer modeling at my alma mater’s Medical School so to call me uneducated (and others here as well) is a lazy dodge at best and dysfunction in the middle and lying at the worst.

Nice touch for “converting” the rest of us at the end of your rant – that we hate out children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. Trust me, that argument doesn’t hang.

And that old canard that 97% of Climate Scientists believe this that she brought up (here)?

Oh Francesca – how WAS that 97% number arrived at that you touted earlier? Go ahead, list that methodology since you’re yelling at us for being religious deniers. Make us look even worse….heh!  And show me where I have said, here on TH, that I have denied that Climate doesn’t change. A very spurious assertion on your part.

But, I’m willing to be convinced – show me.

But I’m betting that she’ll never want to or be able to do so. And answers to that 97% are here, here, and here.

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