CRT Armchair Quarterbacks Need Not Apply – A Brief Explainer

Regarding my resignation from Manchester School District in protest of being mandated to take anti-White “White Privilege Training,” some people have questioned the wisdom of resigning, rather than “staying in the game” and “fighting from within.” This explainer is for all of the armchair quarterbacks.

It is for those strategic geniuses out there so that they might come to understand that, as I’m not a mental derelict. I first did, in fact, fight it from within to the extent that was possible (my entire original HR complaint is included in my Resignation tweet thread, as well as my submission to the school board after the district stood by the training).

We want to thank Dan Concannon for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to

I was not in a position to effect any change whatsoever. I leaked the training to the media months earlier and it was covered locally and nationally. It created a momentary headache for the district, but, it was ultimately meaningless. There was nothing more I could do from within to effect any change.

I could parody the way White people are supposed to hate themselves and post 400 pronouns in my email signature, and drive them crazy with it – which would be fun – and from there I’d simply eventually be fired.


No. Dude… no.

With no avenue to do more from within, the one thing I couldn’t do was continue on, and allow myself to be another mope that keeps his head down and, despite knowing how evil what’s happening is, takes a “grin and bear it.” Pretending that he’s not under attack for being White.

That would be my own spiritual gender reassignment surgery.

So, I published a resignation and further documents to round it out. To provide context for those curious enough to look rather than launching straight into their critique of what they think are my strategic miscalculations. Documents seen by millions that have created new energy around the issue.

That put a spotlight on the fact that Critical Race Theory is anti-White. A message amplified across major media that created serious problems for the school board and administrators who want to pathologize being White that also created a sh!tstorm of focus on this issue locally.

While I agree with the “don’t take yourself out of the game” strategy where it applies (if you can have an effect from within, remain within, and do the right thing), it doesn’t apply to the situation I was faced with. I didn’t take myself out of the game. I took action to get in the game. I implore everyone to do the same.

Finally, if you’re on the right side of this issue and you oppose Critical Race Theory, the broader anti-White dehumanization campaign, and the cultural revolution that they’re all wrapped up in – and your first instinct when you see someone that sticks their neck out and creates energy around the issue is to immediately counter-signal their action and extinguish the energy…well…put the phone on which you’re reading this into “selfie” mode and take a look at a person who, at the end of the day, has done more damage than the Critical Race Theorists themselves.

Had you simply done nothing, your contribution would have been greater.

Instead, you took your twitchy little fingers and not only distracted from what’s important, but siphoned off energy and redirected it into infighting and inconsequentialities.

People on the Right are consumed by progressives because they’re too busy infighting, factionalizing, and policing one another with the progressives’ rulebook. Smarten up. Before you send something stupid into the world, ask yourself, “Is this actually helpful?” If it’s not, put your phone back in your pocket and your hands back in your pants. We have too many verbal masturbators out here as it is.

Stop playing with yourself and get in the game.

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