Because the Left Is Still Lying About New Law That Limits Race-Shaming CRT- Here Are a Few Facts - Granite Grok

Because the Left Is Still Lying About New Law That Limits Race-Shaming CRT- Here Are a Few Facts

Dept of Ed DOJ Letter Header HB2 FAQ

For all of the scare tactics used by Critical Race Theory apologists, here is what the New Hampshire law (HB2) will look like as it’s implemented in schools across the state.

A law that prevents discrimination and maintains equal protection under the law. (Source: State Issued FAQ.)


This new law makes it illegal to teach, train or advocate that a person, because of their membership in one or more identified group(s), is inherently either: (1) racist, sexist, or oppressive, consciously or unconsciously or (2) superior or inferior to people of another identified group.

A few facts!

Yes, Teachers will be able to teach US History!

3. Does the law prohibit teachers from teaching U.S. history?
No. Nothing prohibits the teaching of historical subjects including, but not limited to: slavery, treatment of the Native American population, Jim Crow laws, segregation, treatment of women, treatment of LGBTQ+ people, treatment of people with disabilities, treatment of people based on their religion, or the Civil Rights movement. Nor does anything prohibit discussions related to current events including, but not limited to: the Black Lives Matter movement, efforts to promote equality and inclusion, or other contemporary events that impact certain identified groups.


YES, teachers will still be able to teach students historical concepts related to discrimination:

4. Are schools allowed to teach students historical concepts related to discrimination?
Yes. Schools are allowed to discuss “as part of a larger course of academic instruction, the historical existence of ideas and subjected identified” in the new law. Nothing prohibits schools from teaching about discrimination, including the historical existence of these ideas.


We want and we NEED children to learn the truth about these important subjects. Racism and slavery are evil and it is important that history never be repeated. However, the new law prevents discrimination and equal protection under the law. It essentially affirms our Civil Rights and Equal Protection under the law.

Related: The “Abridged” (NO CRT) and Anti-Discrimination Text From HB2 in One Place – Share It, Quote it, Live It

In addition, for those school administrators or teachers who decide to violate the law and violate the civil rights of the employees or students in the school district, there are remedies.

11. What remedies are available to students or parents who believe that a school has violated the Prohibition on Teaching Discrimination?
A student or parent who believes that they have been subject to discrimination may file a complaint with the New Hampshire Commission for Human Rights; a complaint with the New Hampshire Office of the Attorney General; or may file a civil claim in superior court to seek damages or declaratory or injunctive relief.

12. Can an educator’s credential be disciplined for teaching these prohibited subjects?
Yes. If an educator is found to have discriminated against an individual or identified group, it is a violation of the educator code of conduct and may result in disciplinary sanction by the state board of education.


The classroom is for learning, it’s not for pushing a radical worldview on students. Teachers come to work and shouldn’t be subjected to harassment because of some radical’s belief that one race is oppressive.

Keep the politics out of the classroom, and focus on quality academic content and there is nothing to worry about.

Finally, some examples of Critical Race Theory:


White Supremecy culture

Department of Ed Guidance noted above:

faq-educational-programs HB2 Divisive concepts inter.


Note: Steve MacDonald contributed to this article
