Once again, I did the “time to be nice until it is time NOT to be nice” bit with the Hanover School District. They hadn’t given a response to my original Right To Know concerning information about Janice Starkey’s training class.
I submitted a “Right to know about other Right To Know” demand (“Hanover School District – Well, When You Don’t Answer a Right to Know Demand, Double Down“). I just got the reply from Dr. Badam’s, the legal “received” notification that my RTK has been received.
Apparently, somebody else has demanded from Hanover what I did to Gilford. Now, I have no idea of what is going on in Hanover other than my own RTKs but obviously SOMETHING caught somebody else’s attention:
From: “Badams, Jay” <jaybadams@hanovernorwichschools.org>
To: “Skip” <Skip@granitegrok.com>
Sent: 6/28/2021 8:22:18 AM
Subject: Re: Re[4]: RequestHi Skip,
In truth, my administrative assistant and tech director, and I are sifting through over 350,000 emails from a request that came in shortly before yours. Each email needs to be reviewed to ensure that we don’t violate FERPA and other relevant privacy laws. I realize that the legal timelines apply no matter where you are in the queue, but I also have a small staff and a school system to run. I would be happy to send over what I’ve gathered from your original inquiry when I’m in the office tomorrow. Obviously your added requests will require additional time to process, but please consider this my five-day response to that June 24th RTK.
I had pointed out in my last email (at the link above) that I hadn’t even received a partial answer to my original RTK – I guess I should be receiving it fairly soon.
It’s also clear that other folks are thinking like me – communications can tell what is really going on. An earlier RTK that I sent into the Gilford School District demanded a copy of the email log from the beginning of the year until now – and I was told that the returned value was over 250K records. I told them that they were doing it wrong and I talked with our Tech Director and the actual number that she had put into a spreadsheet was more like it – just over 3,500 (just about the 2% hit rate I expected).
Well, that’s on Badam’s now. However, it may well be amusing to get the partials back for further investigation
To Be Continued….