Sen. Joe Manchin Just Killed the Democrat’s S1HR1 Virus (Partisan Federal Election Reform)

The For the People Act, a terrible piece of legislation conceived by the most recent Democrat majority, may have just been aborted in its “third trimester.”

West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin has said he will not support it partly because of the threat to the filibuster (Dems want to kill that to pass it) and the absence of any Republican support for HR1.


[W]e now are witnessing that the fundamental right to vote has itself become overtly politicized. Today’s debate about how to best protect our right to vote and to hold elections, however, is not about finding common ground, but seeking partisan advantage. Whether it is state laws that seek to needlessly restrict voting or politicians who ignore the need to secure our elections, partisan policymaking won’t instill confidence in our democracy — it will destroy it.

As such, congressional action on federal voting rights legislation must be the result of both Democrats and Republicans coming together to find a pathway forward or we risk further dividing and destroying the republic we swore to protect and defend as elected officials.

Democrats in Congress have proposed a sweeping election reform bill called the For the People Act. This more than 800-page bill has garnered zero Republican support.


There’s more there, but that’s the gist. HR1 (S1 in the Senate) can’t proceed without his vote. It also opens the door for folks like Kyrsten Sinema, who appears to support HR1 while opposing the filibuster buster needed to move it out of the chamber.

It’s a crap bill. It is so bad states are moving forward with legislation to block it whether it passes or not, now or ever.

The NH House and Senate passed SB89 to block the federal meddling that the S1HR1 “virus” would foment or anything like it. Assuming Governor Sununu signs it, we’ve got a breakwater built to protect us from that storm.

But its demise is not entirely a win. It’s a spending frenzy administration, so both parties are stuffing legislation that might pass the Senate with scores if not hundreds of amendments. Pork, favors, and the remains of other bills that could never make it to Biden’s pen on their own.

“What am I signing?” Biden will put his name to whatever Whoever is Running the Biden Administration (WRBA) asks.

Manchin may have put a stake in the heart of “filibuster” and federal election law abuse today, but since we already invited all of that into the building, these vampires have no intention of leaving until they’ve sucked us all dry.


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