So, NH Gov Sununu, THIS is What Critical Race Theory holds: “The Constitution Should be Burned”

by Skip

Sununu has infamously said that he would ban HB544 (which disallows teaching the principles of CRT via tax monies), either as a standalone bill or embedded into the Budget bill.

So, dude, you are willing to side with these Critical Race Theory proponents (who are NOT out of the mainstream of CRT philosophy) that the Constitution should be burned?


Oh, that’s right – you didn’t burn the Constitutions, you felt that you are above them with our “Public Health Trumps Everything” and then went on to behave and rule as if those Constitutional restrictions on Government were passé and out of touch with today’s “realities”.

Just like these folks who are dismissing some of the greatest intellectual and philosophical ideas in human history, The Enlightenment, for Marxism through a race-based set of red-colored glasses.

Here’s the partial transcript of you don’t want to listen to such dribble (it is dribble but so many Americans nowadays are so ill-educated, they’ll believe anything); emphasis mine:

Doran read that these principles were centered around the idea “that reason is the primary source of authority and legitimacy and advocated such ideals as liberty, progress, tolerance, fraternity, constitutional government, and separations of church and state.” But she’s not into those things.

“Inherently, the problem with that, is that when our constitution was built, our constitution was built on those founding principles, but was not built on those founding principles including the humanization of marginalized folks.

So you cannot cite our constitution, our constitution should be burned, because our constitution in and of itself is only written for who owned land? Men at the time, it’s still written accordingly. Who was owned? Black folks. Those amendments have not been ratified. You should read your constitution.”

Doran said the constitution as it stands now is full of “oppressive amendments and languaging.” “The constitution itself is only rooted in Enlightenment for white people, just like this country,” said the educator.

And she should know WHAT the Constitution says and why it was constructed in that manner. Not only that, but History as well – 600,000 men died to “humanize marginalized folks” and to make them equal. She also forgets that from all of the countries at the time, only England and America were actively working to defeat the idea of Slavery.

But these self-righteous, self-important, and self-indignant show their limited perceptions of anything outside of their interests and ideology. So why aren’t they working to get rid of REAL Slavery which still exists all over the world?

Oh yeah, that isn’t the purpose of CRT, and “cannot cite our constitution, our constitution should be burned” gives away the store on this.

So, what DO they want to replace it with?

From what I’m seeing, it’s an unworkable mishmash of sophomore late-night dorm room “I’VE FIXED THE WORLD” nihilistic rubble trash from all of them except with one important message:

Only the Racism that WE approve of must be mandatory

The whole mental midget reason meltdown is here.

(H/T: PJ Media)


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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