The Government Killed “The Most People” and Punished The Rest of Us For It

According to the media, 2020 was one of the deadliest years in New Hampshire history. That is the narrative making waves across the fetid media sea, but it’s missing some important perspective.

Related: Covid Cases in New Hampshire are SKYROCKETING 

Not that proper perspective has not been absent all along.

Imagine if the media had reported the effects of COVID19 honestly, the way we did. How different would 2020 have been if everyone who turned on or tuned in heard that no one under 20 who tested positive in NH ever died from this and a tiny fraction was ever hospitalized?

Or that 99.7% of everyone had nothing to fear from this flu? That most of the 0.3% were the same folks who have always been at risk from the flu?

That from early on we knew the test was flawed, and all along there was science that challenged the efficacy of the political response.

Every day, big letters, front page, like the Iraq war dead during the Bush Years. No one would have tolerated the prescriptions forced upon us, which became and will continue to be the bigger public health threat.

As Dr. Scott Atlas noted in a recent edition of Imprimus,


Besides their limited value in containing the virus, lockdown policies have been extraordinarily harmful. The harms to children of suspending in-person schooling are dramatic, including poor learning, school dropouts, social isolation, and suicidal ideation, most of which are far worse for lower-income groups. A recent study confirms that up to 78 percent of cancers were never detected due to missed screening over a three-month period. If one extrapolates to the entire country, 750,000 to over a million new cancer cases over a nine-month period will have gone undetected.

That health disaster adds to missed critical surgeries, delayed presentations of pediatric illnesses, heart attack and stroke patients too afraid to go to the hospital, and others—all well documented.

Beyond hospital care, the CDC reported four-fold increases in depression, three-fold increases in anxiety symptoms, and a doubling of suicidal ideation, particularly among young adults after the first few months of lockdowns, echoing American Medical Association reports of drug overdoses and suicides. Domestic and child abuse have been skyrocketing due to the isolation and loss of jobs. Given that many schools have been closed, hundreds of thousands of abuse cases have gone unreported, since schools are commonly where abuse is noticed. Finally, the unemployment shock from lockdowns, according to a recent National Bureau of Economic Research study, will generate a three percent increase in the mortality rate and a 0.5 percent drop in life expectancy over the next 15 years, disproportionately affecting African-Americans and women. That translates into what the study refers to as a “staggering” 890,000 additional U.S. deaths.


Those present and future harms were all avoidable, but the mantra was that we all had to give up the quality of life and potentially years of our lives, or actual lives, to save others.

No one rushed into a burning building or went into the ice to save a drowning stranger. The State scolded us, confined us, and denied our rights. For what?

Well, if we’re talking about people under 65 years of age, mostly nothing.

The odds of illness or death for almost every productive aged American is less than one percent. And that’s not new knowledge; we’ve had it for more than nine months and closer to ten.

Why then?

About 80% of the people who did die, all tragedies, were likely to die anyway. Among that, 80% would have died from the typical flu in a typical year. And while COVID19 is lethal to the elderly, especially those with comorbidities, only 8.6 in 10 of them would pass after testing positive. And many of them could have been saved had we not fear-mongered the common, safe, prophylactic treatment of Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc, and (when needed) Erythromycin.

A treatment that would have almost guaranteed that younger, healthier people had fewer symptoms, even less need for hospitalization, quicker recovery, and fewer deaths.

And no lost jobs closed businesses, lockdowns, masks, or quarantines.

But that “science” was shouted down. It was verboten to suggest any course other than draconian political mandates.

That’s what we did, and the results are in; The greatest number of death in New Hampshire’s most dangerous year happened in Long Term Care facilities run by the state.

Not only did the government create a decades-long arc of public health harm its mitigation policies failed to protect the few people in its care.

More proof that the government isn’t qualified to do much of anything except deceive people into believing that it should and can.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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