If MLK Were Alive Today White CRT Advocates Would Shout Him Down

I know Governor Sununu is having a hard time with the idea of keeping Critical Race Theory (CRT) out of schools, workplaces, and government, but consider this. If Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. were alive, the CRT advocates would shout him down and try to cancel him.

Related: Exeter School Superintendent David Ryan Needs to Step Down After Using His Day Job to Play Partisan Race Pimp

They claim we need to hear more black voices, but they only want those who agree with them. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would disagree. His words taught the opposite of what Critical Race Theory strives to do.

He tried to unite us, CRT divides. And MLK inspired generations without regard to race, ethnicity, or background. And we were well on our way to achieving his dream.

Do you know what killed it?

A Black Democrat and the Liberal White Tower.

Like Woodrow Wilson, almost a century earlier, President Barack Obama set race relations back decades in just a few short years.  Liberal experts wormed their poison into the divisions he created, exaggerated by media allies, and rotted them out from the inside.

Critical Race Theory is everywhere, in everything, teaching hate, division, self-segregation, and race shaming. It is ruining schools, government, and our nation.

Dr. Martin Luther King jr. would speak against it and all it professes. Twitter would delete his account. Facebook would tag his posts as false or misleading and eventually ban him. And the so-called nonpartisan media would wage war upon him, his family, and his ideas.

They would protest when he preached, riot if necessary, whatever it took to make any public appearance impossible.

Would he have remained silent?

Today’s Democrat party would denounce him; prominent blacks would call him Uncle Tom if they were nice or a House Ni***r if not so nice.

Anyone who dared to defend him or his ideas would also be shouted down because that’s what they do. They would shout down Martin Luther King Jr. and his supporters.

If you think that’s the nation you want to live in, let them be, otherwise stand up, speak out, and do something to stop it.

MLK would!

He did, and the so-called party of Black Americans, the Democrat Party, have hijacked his dream and the people he fought and died to liberate.

All his great work, all his accomplishments, distilled down to a point in time by Democrats and White tower liberals an enemy to people of color.

Can you see the problem now?

So, whose side are you on?

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