Am I Vaccinated? Thanks for Asking - I Volunteered to Be In the Control Group... - Granite Grok

Am I Vaccinated? Thanks for Asking – I Volunteered to Be In the Control Group…

vaccine free america

Three experimental pharmacological treatments are being administered in what may be the largest human test trial in history. Millions of doses injected into millions of people who have volunteered to be test subjects. I volunteered for something too, to be in the control group.

You can’t have any sort of drug trial without a control group. If anyone asks, I volunteered for that.

Drug and Flu Facts

Drugs take a long time to get approved because time is required to determine long-term outcomes, side effects, the potential for interaction, harm, or even death. We’ve seen some harm and death from these treatments already. The advocates write it off as statistically insignificant, but it’s there.

Related: Vaccine Works *100% (*In Groups of People With Almost no Chance of Getting Ill or Dying From COVID19)

There is no tested treatment in history that prevents any flu, ever. Repeated efforts from media, politicians, and public health officials to the contrary are dishonest, bordering on criminal, and since we have no borders anymore, well, you get the point.

Getting jabbed means nothing as far as the political response. You still have to wear a mask and distance because no vaccine ever, this one included, prevents either transmission or infection.

Everyone’s got legal immunity except the people getting jabbed. If you are in the control group, this is not a problem.

Big Pharma was a demon spawn to the Left until it became a vehicle for accumulating political power. Now it’s the best(ist)-thing-ever, and you risk accusations of treason if you question their methods, ethics, or the financial incentives (vaccines for everyone forever).

When there was a rumor Donald Trump had a financial interest in a vaccine, the Covidistas snapped. The same people have no interest in hearing that about Fauci, Gates, or anyone else.

Then there are the lies, the abridgment of rights, abandonment of constitutional restraints, buttressed by 24/7/365  air-cover from the only folks who lie more than the politicians, the corporate media.

And yes, there is a rumor that the distribution includes a control group.  People who are getting a placebo when they think it’s the COVID19 vaccine. They have no reaction, or so the story goes. Because you have to have a control group, it’s why they want so badly to keep track.

I think they prefer “to keep track” to get us used to “being kept track” of – just like the continued mask mandates feel a lot like a test to see who the pliable and compliant are and who are not. Who in the general population will eagerly serve Public Health Stasi mission creep, and who among us poses a threat to that tyranny.

I volunteer for the latter—the liberty control group. That might not end well, but at least I was free before we got there from here.


