Arizona Senate Hires Independent Firm for Forensic Election Audit

Election “related news” has faded a bit unless you are convinced Biden is an actor working on an Oval Office Sound Stage. But there’s still news to be had about a point I’ve made a few times on the radio and in personal conversations. States need to fix their elections, or Democrats will never lose again.

Related: Virginia Court Rules in Favor of Clean Elections – AFTER Stolen Election

In New Hampshire, where we know things are broken, the ruling class has done almost anything it can not to investigate fraud. Democrat, Republican, no matter who the AG is, it gets a pat on the head, a glass of water, and it is sent back to bed.

Even the mysterious business uncovered (accidentally) in Windham is a road they loathe to follow. We’ve got some lip service and heel-dragging.

It’s not a large town. Do a hand count of every race and see if they all have vote discrepancies of 300 to 400 votes from the reported machine count as they did in the State House race.

Imagine how much attention a 400 vote flip from Democrat to Republicans in a congressional or senate race (in one small NH town) would get. If it happened in Windham, why not in a few other places around the state, and suddenly we might have a different Congress.

In the Windham matter, no one says they have the authority to do what needs doing, but it occurs that emperor Sununu (DBA Gov. Sununu) of the Emergency Edicts could make it happen. He could. He wiped out constitutional rights that prevent illegal search, seizure, and privacy. Surely he could sign an Emergency Order in the name of our Electoral health.

Not likely; he is one of them. And that is a problem in many states, but the State Senate in Arizona is taking action. They’ve hired a private firm to do a forensic audit of Maricopa County. The County insists they stick with auditors they approve (no doubt to protect sources and methods).


The move comes after the county refused to allow the Senate access to election equipment, copies of ballots and other materials under a subpoena issued by lawmakers, some of whom continue to question whether Democratic President Joe Biden won.

Senate President Karen Fann said in a statement that the auditor will be tasked with doing an audit much larger in scope than the county intends.

“We must bring back confidence that the election results reported are how votes were legally cast,” Fann said. “The Senate’s forensic audit will bring accuracy and detail to the process, and with that restore integrity to the election process.”


The County is doing its own audit, but the State Senate doesn’t think that’s good enough. Could it be because the country already did some “investigating” and returned with a result that did not please them? Yes. Every previous review has claimed nothing untoward. The Republican Senate still feels voters have not been adequately convinced, and they are moving forward.

Maybe the New Hampshire legislature could take a few moments to do something similar with the town of Windham.  A full hand recount of all races is required. Until someone with the authority and the public’s interest makes it happen, we’ll never know the truth.

And if there’s nothing to find, then no one should object to looking, but they do.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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