Discus Doodlings: The GOP “Mascot” Is an Elephant – Long Memory Capability. Me Too, Sadly.

by Skip

NH State Rep Gregg Hough’s Op-Ed is getting some legs, especially after what happened yesterday. There are a lot of ticked off people – and I’m not talking about the Left either (THAT will be another post – just know they are just one inch away from putting anyone that vote for Trump either into camps or into graves). Perhaps a better title for this abstraction of some of the comments should be “Ruthless”; the Democrats are dropping their masks and showing us how they really feel about we who dissent and have supported Trump directly and with our votes.

If those are the new Rules being set by the Left, then FINALLY, will the Republicans, especially those in need of spine transplants, like Mittens Romney, finally figure out that politics is no longer a game of crochet? From the comments (reformatted, emphasis mine):

Ed Naile:
UNH parking lot?
That is “enemy territory.” State schools are ground zero for voter fraud.
What on God’s Earth don’t Republicans get.
Meet at a gun range parking lot.
Suggestion, for real:
Republicans get to re-district. BE RUTHLESS. Do not surrender at the first chance.
Whatever you do will go to court. Go for the ultimate plan.
Last chance.

He’s right. This is no longer fun and games after what I’ve been reading last night and today. Politics is warfare by other means. The Dems are skipping the “Politics is” as well as “by other means”. Just warfare is left. Shape the battlefield, tilt it, use it. Be Ruthless. The tipping point has arrived. Don’t deny it, use it.


“What on God’s Earth don’t Republicans get”

They don’t get a lot, how long should we make that list?
Lets start with how completely, totally and utterly pissed off we are at them.
We are sitting here on the edge of civil war right now because they have so failed us and America– and the world for that matter.
It appears the whole lot of them have been crooks, dummies or spineless jellyfish.

There is a lot of desire right now to start a third party for us, and one of the big motivators is to throw this useless pile of rubbish into the dustbin of history- where they deserve to be for failing the Republic to this degree. There would be no talk of Socialism at all in America had they done their jobs.

Anger? I am betting that many Republicans believe that what happened yesterday was politics as usual but with a heightened blip. I don’t think so. They may be thinking “ok, he’ll be gone after the 20th and we can go back to the old Normal”.  Really??? Almost half the electorate voted for him. Do you know what the Dems are openly saying now?

Rick Klein: “Cleansing other movement he commands is going to be something else.

Think about what was just said – and he’s NOT the only one. Trump said that the Left wasn’t really going after him, they were coming for the rest of us. Klein said the quiet part REALLY out loud – but he’s not the only one. And not just “nobodies” either (another post to come).

AOC bragged that she and her squad were making lists. Sometimes, we need to believe them even if those words are hastily retracted later. Believe them.

I’ll return to this later.

Gregg Hough: When you feel that strongly my friend you might consider running for office. We can use the help in preserving our Live Free or Die state.

A fair enough statement – and some of said the same thing and meant it and persevered. Others have said the same thing – but were co-opted (by the “Dark Side” – and they had no cookies). And still others couldn’t have cared at all. Cynical? Yes, but one becomes cynical when up close and person and watching things and people up close and personal – and by being double-crossed and promises that turned out to be mere hollow words.

The problem is that a lot of us, including me, have seen what the NH GOP does to “newcomers” – put’em to work, get their votes, and then shut them off afterwards. Or, worse, work hand in hand with Buckley is “deplatform” us (to use the word of the day).

Do you remember what they did to the TEA Party – after we dragged some of their candidates over the finish line (after WE organized, after WE voted them in), Papa Smurf took all the credit and then refused to give us a place at the table. The entire Establishment RINOs kicked us out. If you are skeptical, go talk to Jack Kimball.

Then in the next election, the Dems kicked their butts again. That’s what happens when you demoralize and effectively tell the most vibrant wing of your Party “thanks, now go home”.

Been there, done that. They spoil their own Brand and then they expect us to greet them with joyous faces?

The next few months post-election actions by the NH GOP will be very telling. If it goes the way I think it might (e.g., mirror image of the do-nothing much session when they held all the majorities), why bother?

A new Party may well be needed because, to be truthful, I’m not expecting much out of Sherm Packard given past performances; ditto Bradley and Morse. I would like to be happily proved wrong but I’m not holding breath either.

Don’t get me wrong – there are some really Good ones out there and we like them a lot. Remember, though:

“Winning is only a precursor; what you DO AFTERWARDS is more important”

To his credit:

Gregg Hough:
I see what your saying, and those scenarios are always present and possible. I know that many of the Reps I have met new and returning are very serious, and are not willing to let “go along to get along” be entertained. We understand that the oath we took was to both the NH Constitution and the US Constitution, and that is what we will do

In another place, he called upon us to be vigilant – well, some of us have been and doing so for a long time. It’s not always easy and because of the fecklessness of some, not always able to be stopped.

We’re always watching.

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