"If We Lose This Moment, The Constitution's Done" - Granite Grok

“If We Lose This Moment, The Constitution’s Done”

Patrick Byrne, the founder of Overstock.com, has been on a mission since the mid-term elections. He hired experts from a wide range of fields with electronic and software expertise. Hackers. To investigate a feeling. That our elections are under attack from within, and he was right.

Related: The Georgia Ballot-Count “Smoking Gun” Video Has Not Been Debunked!

His team uncovered all sorts of evidence that the Dominion voting system was corrupted and corruptible. Impossible results he began to see in Texas in 2018 were put on the larger stage of 2020.

But for years, no one seemed to want to listen until now.

And it is not because he loves Trump. The wealthy libertarian says he’s never voted for a Republican or a Democrat. He’s doing this because he believes this election was 100% rigged and, to quote him, “If We Lose This Moment, The Constitution’s Done.”

OAN news reports.
