Democrat Presidential Election Rigging with Sidney Powell and Lin Wood

Thanks to our readers for forwarding me these interviews on election fraud. We’ve got two, and if you’ve not heard them, you’ll want to make time to listen. Mark Steyn (filling in for Rush) has Sidney Powell. John Fredricks has Lin Wood as his guest.

Related: In 2019 Jeanne Shaheen’s Buddy Liz Warren Was Worried About Vote Switching by Dominion Voting Systems

Wood has brought a case in Georgia as a citizen of the state that he sats should invalidate the entire election. The state made substantive changes to the voting rules without the legislature. This is illegal.



Next is Mark Steyn and Sidney Powell.  Powell is representing President Trump and explores the massive election fraud and the mounting evidence that proves it. With an emphasis on those Dominion systems that Democrat Sen. Liz Warren was so worried about last year.


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