The Nation is ready to accept, embrace, and celebrate Amy Coney Barrett as the latest Justice. Recognizing her for the hard-working, qualified candidate that she is. I wish I could say the same for some members of our community.
We’d like to thank Wendy Richardson and Nicole Nordlund for this Op-Ed. If you have
an Op-Ed or LTE you want us to consider, please submit it to Skip@ or
The Conway Daily Sun (CDS) doesn’t seem to share this same level of enthusiasm for a fellow woman candidate running on their behalf.
CDS is not going to endorse Kim Tessari for County Commissioner because they don’t think she can handle the workload? Did you really just say that out loud?
Would the same assumption have been made in regards to a male candidate?
Kim Tessari has the knowledge, expertise, and youthful drive to do any job or any number of jobs she chooses.
Kim put herself through law school and worked full time simultaneously. That sure sounds like two jobs she successfully performed to me. And she has the integrity and reliability of her commitments. All of this and so much more should be enough. Which it is, to the Conway Daily Sun, unless you are a woman and a mom.
Fellow women, when a qualified woman like Kim Tessari asks to be of service to you, get to know her! Support her!
Let’s get behind women, professionals, and mothers in our community, especially those willing to help that community!!! I’m voting for Kim Tessari for Carroll County Commissioner! Join me!
Note: Op-eds and LTE’s are the Opinion of the Author and may not necessarily reflect the views of, its individual contributors, advertisers, or affiliates.