Nashua Parent Voice to March on District Offices

by Op-Ed

When: 9:00am Monday, October 5, 2020
Where: 141 Ledge Street, Nashua, NH 03060

Why: In a letter dated September 18, 2020, the Superintendent of the Nashua Public School District delayed in-person learning until January 2021, except for a small population of IEP students, Kindergarten, and Grade 1.

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This decision has been made without consideration for the latest local epidemiology data nor the mounting crises surrounding IEP, CTE, laboratory sciences, statistics on students falling behind, serious mental health repercussions, and the future earnings potential for students, all as the result of not being in school.

Who: Nashua Parent Voice (NPV) is a collaborative group of nearly 700 members who believe students deserve better than the Nashua Public School District’s current remote model and are advocating for change. To date, the Nashua Public School District has not communicated nor implemented a unified, consistent, and comprehensive plan to transition students back to in-person learning.

NPV is petitioning the Superintendent and Board of Education to multilaterally create a solidified and accelerated plan based on current facts, data, and defined safety measures so that our teachers, parents, and students feel safe about going back to school. A formal Appeal of Local School Board Policy has been filed with the Nashua Board of Education by the group.

Questions? For more information please contact Amy Medling @ 603-204-3801.

Nashua Parent Voice Fact Sheet
Remote Learning Fact Sheet
Nashua Parent Voice Appeal of Local School Board Policy


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