Dem Exec. Committee Member Willing to Lie, Cheat, and Steal to Win the Election - Granite Grok

Dem Exec. Committee Member Willing to Lie, Cheat, and Steal to Win the Election

Colorado Dem cheat lie steal

Project Veritas continues to embarrass people being themselves when they think it is safe. The latest expose involved Kristopher Jacks, who is a member of the Colorado Democrat Executive Committee. Not a nobody.

Related: Veritas: Ilhan Omar-Connected Cash-For-Ballots Vote Fraud Scheme Exposed

And like a lot of violent Leftists, he’s hungry for vengeance. Sure, he’s willing to lie, cheat, and steal to win in November, but what he really wants is to see people kill billionaires. He’s even on board with the guillotine fantasy the keeps popping up all over the Democrat landscape.

Care of 100% Fed Up

“2020 is a political revolution” and how he is “going to do everything morally acceptable to win.” The only problem is, Jacks’ definition of “morally acceptable” is not exactly the universally accepted definition of the term.

Jacks’ explains, “I will lie. I will cheat. I will steal,” because, according to the chair of Our Revolution, “that’s morally acceptable in this political environment.” … 

He also explains why he “loves” Antifa because they are a “militant group,” willing to use violence to achieve their goals and suggest that one of the ways they can achieve their goals is to get people who are close to “random billionaires” to murder them. He laughs, as he claims that “Bezos is at the top of the list.”

Jacks laughs, as he explains that unions aren’t stabbing people like they used to, and why this time around, they need to start using guillotines to kill the rich.


The Democrat Party violent streak seems, what’s the word, systemic. Students of history know that is a feature, not a bug. And they mean it when they say if they lose, they bring the violence. Sadly, the only response to that is to defend ourselves.

It doesn’t have to come to that, but if they bring it cannot go unanswered.

