Tuesday had a pretty good turnout. Statewide here in NH:
- Previous record 228,432 votes cast in the September primary just two years ago
- New record this year on Tuesday: 304,671 (33% increase)
- Absentee ballots: 90,322 (30%)
- Democrat voters: 156,976 Republican voters: 147,695 (a difference of 9,281)
- Number of registered NH voters: 1,002,012 so a turnout of 30%.
My hamlet: Good turnout as well for a total of 2,644 or around 42%.
My question is the same as last time: what are the Same Day Registrations from Tuesday? So, I have asked my Town Clerk for them (she previously got the same day’s from the Presidential Primary and our Town elections):
From: “Skip” <Skip@granitegrok.com>
To: dlafond@gilfordnh.org
Sent: 9/11/2020 4:09:33 PM
Subject: RSA 91-A request – Same-Day Registration
Hi Danielle,
Hoping that you’ve recovered from Tuesday! Turnout was pretty good for a primary – good job!
Yep, asking for the same kind of information as the last time – same day registration information from Tuesday’s elections. The format similar to last time would be just fine.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call!
And now I’ll be sending out certified letters to see which are good – and which are drive-by bogus votes.