Kyle Rittenhouse Suing Biden Over Video Tweet That Suggests He Is a White Supremacist

Team Biden and the candidate himself are going to be sued for libel. Lin Wood, Kyle Rittenhouse’s lawyer, announced it earlier today after a Tweet attributed to Biden shows his client in a video about white supremacists.

Related: Biden Debate Accomplishment: Wrecks His Party’s Narrative About the Dignity of the Office

The Biden campaign is making hay after Chris Wallace served Mr. Trump a bulls**t question about White Supremacists during the debate. Wallace knows damn well Trump denounced them right after Charlottesville, but he still droned on as if he never had.

Justifiably agitated, Trump went after Wallace – which he should, the result being a Biden “ad” working the conversation and, what I expect will be an enormous lawsuit for Team Biden and lunchbox for brains, Joe.

Lin Wood does not half-ass anything.

The video (below) includes a voice-over of Chris Wallace asking the President to denounce White Supremacy with footage that includes Kyle Rittenhouse.

While a court should debate the charge of murder brought against the defendant – we think it was self-defense, claiming Rittenhouse is a white supremacist complicates the process.

I’m sure a room full of people thought it was a great idea, and I doubt this will dissuade them from further leaps, but you f-d it up.

While trying to pint the President as a supporter of White Supremacy, you just painted your campaign and the candidate as the sort who will make that claim about anyone for political purposes.

Democrats already have a reputation for mob politics – active in cities all over the nation, ad turning a blind eye to that violence. Smearing random citizens for cheap political points doesn’t bode well for your decision making should you get elected.

Rittenhouse was providing first aid when he was attacked.

Here’s the Biden spot.

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