It is my pleasure to personally endorse David Wheeler for the 2020 Executive Council District 5 race. Coming to this conclusion was easy: I believe the way we treat the most innocent and voiceless among us, the unborn, is of paramount importance. David’s actions have demonstrated a similar value.
We’d like to thank Jason Hennessey for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider please submit it to Skip@ or
As an Executive Councilor, he fought multiple times to oppose giving state funds to Planned Parenthood, an organization that not only takes the life of the unborn but lobbies against even the most basic protections for babies (like the Born Alive infant protection act). David also promoted life when he served on the New Hampshire Right to Life board.
When I looked into the other candidate in the primary, Bob Clegg, I was given pause after seeing Bob’s financial support (both personally and through his business)* to legislative candidates who voted against even basic protections for the born and unborn, and voted for abortion coverage mandates through bills like HB685.
It is my belief (as well as the NHRTL PAC’s through their endorsement) that David is the best pro-life candidate in this race; I hope you will join me in voting for him.
Jason Hennessey
President, New Hampshire Right to Life**,
Resident, Executive Council District 5