Dave Wheeler Is An Honorable Man, Bob Clegg’s Disinformation Mailer Debunked!

Ken Eyring

People get passionate. I get it. But sometimes the passion builds to a point where it clouds senses and abilities to see things clearly. I believe this has happened in the race for the GOP Primary for the Executive Council District 5 seat that Dave Wheeler and Bob Clegg are vying for.

I know and respect many Constitutional conservative people who strongly support former Executive Councilor Dave Wheeler. I also know and respect many Constitutional conservatives who strongly support former NH Senator and current Lobbyist Bob Clegg.

But I am troubled by the campaign that Mr. Clegg is running.  Mr. Clegg sent out a disinformation mailer to discredit Mr. Wheeler (below). Read it quickly, as you would in the brief amount of time that it would normally take to move it from your pile of mail and into your trash.

Front Side of Mailer

Here’s what I picked up with my first glance: “he’s backed by”, “pro-Open Borders”, “pro-Planned Parenthood” and “anti-Gun Liberals.”  My initial reaction was disbelief, because I know Dave Wheeler to be a strong fighter with a proven history AGAINST each of these positions.  Then my eye caught the reference to “1,800 no-bid state contracts” – which infers corruption.

The inferred messages are shameful and deceptive.

Here’s proof: While previously serving on the Executive Council, Mr. Wheeler successfully led the fight to REJECT federal funding for Planned Parenthood in NH, and he successfully fought to keep tolls from rising. He is also on the board of a pro-Second Amendment organization (New Hampshire Firearms Coalition). Most people would not know these things, so their first impressions of what they read on the mailer would most likely have a significant negative impact. This is what Democrats do when they can’t stand on their record, and unfortunately… many times it works.

But I know Dave Wheeler to be an honest and honorable man – and you should too.

If you want to have an accurate sense of what organizations (and what type of people) are endorsing Mr. Wheeler, then take a look at EACH OF THESE links that provide a true insight of Mr. Wheeler’s principles, values and integrity, based on these well earned, high quality endorsements from Constitutional Conservative organizations and individuals.  Click on Every Link!

Dave Wheeler has Yuge! List of Endorsements (MUST READ!)

Cornerstone Endorses Dave Wheeler in Exec. Council District 5 Primary

RLCNH issues executive council endorsements: Kenney, Comerford, Wheeler

Personal Endorsement, Jason Hennessey, President, New Hampshire Right to Life

An Endorsement from the CNHT Directors for Dave Wheeler – Executive Council District 5 Primary

Personal Endorsement, The Honorable Jane Cormier, Former President of New Hampshire Right to Life

Liberty Ballot recommends Messner, Kenney, Wheeler in GOP Primary

Those endorsements are NOT handed out like candy.  They were EARNED after YEARS of service with a proven, verifiable voting record. Dave Wheeler has always done his homework and always puts NH first!

Back Side of Mailer

The backside of the mailer had more disinformation taken out of context.

Mr. Wheeler did write “we all vote in lockstep” in a campaign fund raising email (click here to see it). But that statement was made regarding non-controversial votes “to keep the state running.”  Here is the excerpt of his words, in context:

Most Council votes are unanimous, where we all vote in lockstep to keep the state running. Here’s a small sample of what we vote on:

We vote to approve the minutes.

We vote to approve special elections when a seat is vacant.

We vote to confirm nominees to the Lakes Management Advisory Council.

We vote to confirm nominees to the Pesticides Control Board…

The majority of the Council votes are boilerplate. Not controversial.
I pick and choose the battles that matter to New Hampshire. And I vote NO more than anyone!

Sidenote: I served on the Windham School Board for three years.  Each of those years we had a divided Board, but most votes that we took were unanimous, because they were NOT controversial.

In his 10 years on the Executive Council, Mr. Wheeler estimates that he has voted on close to 70,000 items, nominees and contracts — with total expenditures amounting to over $60B.  That’s an average of 7,000 items per year!

Regarding the 1,800 “no Bid” contracts that were mentioned on the front side of the mailer… that would account for about 3% of the items (or about 180 items) per year.  Speaking from experience, there are times when a no-bid contract makes sense.

Here are a few examples:

  • Contract extensions that were part of an original bid.
  • Once a decision is made to choose a specialized computer accounting software available from only one vendor for the Department of Revenue, it would be far too expensive not to continue with that software and tech support until something better is available.
  • Certain equipment such as HVAC chillers must be serviced by ONLY the manufactures factory trained technicians assigned to a geographic area, thus the EC would only receive one bid for maintenance.

Even with no-bid contracts, it does not mean the terms cannot be fairly negotiated.  Mr. Wheeler is a proven fiscal conservative Executive Councilor.

Mr. Wheeler stands in opposition to socialist Democrats and supports our Constitutional Republic.

These are just a few of the many examples of Mr. Wheeler’s exemplary service to New Hampshire.  If Mr. Wheeler were on the Council now, Ryan Turrell would be the first African American to serve on the NH State Board of Education, Eddie Edwards would head up our state’s professional licensing department, and Gordon McDonald would be Chief Justice of the NH Supreme Court.

The recent mailer that was sent out by the Clegg campaign is disturbing. It is nothing more than a disinformation hit piece that took facts out of context with the intent to mislead and manipulate voters – and Mr. Clegg approved it!

I believe the mailer to smear Mr. Wheeler is disturbing. It’s the type of thing that Democrats do when they can’t stand on their record, so they use character assassination.


  • Ken Eyring

    I'm a Constitutional Conservative, proud of our country and the founding documents our Constitutional Republic is based on. I believe in self reliance and personal responsibility. I'm passionate about Parental Rights and properly educating our children, who will someday become our country's leaders.

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