From the Women’s Defense League:
NH Senate Democrats
Passed Bloomberg’s Red Flag Bill
The NH Senate passed House Bill 687 – AN ACT relative to extreme risk protection orders. The fix was in. They never planned on considering a majority of people’s voices who are against this destructive legislation. Only Democrats voted for this bill, no Republicans did. Of course, Bloomberg spent a lot of money buying NH Senate Democrats so their allegiance has become quite clear.
At a time when a majority of people across the country are DEMANDING reforms in policing, including many in law enforcement, the NH Senate Democrats decided to pass Bloomberg’s Red Flag bill that gives police MORE POWER over Granite Staters. They are clearly out-of-touch with their own constituents and with those organizations who they claim to support.
Ask him to get his RED PEN out to VETO HB 687!

The governor believes there are no changes necessary to any gun control laws in New Hampshire. Since NH is consistently the safest state in the country, we agree.