Nick Sandmann’s Lawyer Is Working for Carter Page – Suing Yahoo! HuffPo and Others

Nick Sandman was brutalized by the press for being a pro-life kid in a MAGA hat. He has since found himself not having to think much about money thanks to CNN and WashPo. His lawyer, still working Nick’s list, has embraced another party smeared by the press. Carter Page.

Related: Carter Page Sues DNC Over Fake Steele Dossier (Again!)- More Suits Likely to Follow

Page has been smeared and lied about for years – called a traitor, a Russian spy, none of which – it turns out – is true*. Lucky for Page some of that reporting was leaked to the press by the liars lying on FISA reports. And while those folks may or may not see justice, Lin Wood, Nick’s lawyer, thinks he has a case against the press to which these lies were leaked.

Mr. Wood has started his own cottage industry. Holding the media accountable for the BS they print without fear of consequence.

By the way, Wash-Po and CNN, both of whom settled with Sandmann, could be back in court soon. The settlements included confidentiality agreements. I’m certain that the media’s lawyers did not want made public the sums they paid to make the lawsuits go away. But it also prohibited either from discussing the case in their respective mediums.

Lin Wood says that may have happened and he’s not letting it slide. But he’s not the only lawyer working for Page. Carter is also working the ropes on the IGs report in pursuit of potential lawsuits against those within government who smeared him.

*For those who missed out, Page was a CIA asset. The FBI and those inside the Obama administration used connections he was paid to develop with Russians in the service of the CIA as proof he was colluding with Putin to help Trump defeat Clinton.

I think he has a case, several in fact. We just need to wait and see if someone can make them.

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