Carter Page Sues DNC Over Fake Steele Dossier (Again!)- More Suits Likely to Follow

If you missed it, Obama’s FBI lied to the FISA Court so it could get a warrant to spy on an opposing political campaign. The “in” was CIA asset Carter Page, whose ‘Russian Contacts’ were part of his CIA work. The DNC which paid for the fake dossier is being sued (again).

Hillary’s campaign and the Democrat National Committee paid Fusion GPS to compile the debunked dossier. Yes, we know it is debunked because, as early as January 2017, the FBI had deposed Steele’s sources. None of them verified anything in the document. Many, it is said, had no idea where Steele got his information.

The IG Report and the FISA court have confirmed they were lied too by the FBI, based on misinformation in the dossier and the exclusion exculpatory information on the FISA application.

The FBI knew, Steele knew, The DOJ knew, Fusion GPS knew, the Obama White House probably knew (they were leading this thing), as did the Clinton Campaign. I’d be surprised if the media didn’t know as well. But the FBI pushed forward for more surveillance and eventually the Special Prosecutor, Robert Mueller (to cover it all up).

None of that worked. Remind your Democrat friends who piled on, into, and behind this. Russia Collusion was a Hoax. The Mueller investigation was a hoax. The 24/7/365 media coverage was covering a hoax. UkraineGate and Impeachment are also a hoax. The only thing real was the illegal spying and the use of that and other activities to try to repeatedly un-elect Donald Trump.

Page, who was illegally surveilled as a result of faulty warrant applications, not mention all the other crap he went through, is fighting back

Page’s attorneys described the suit, which was filed in U.S. District Court in the Northern District of Illinois’ Eastern Division on Thursday, as the “first of multiple actions in the wake of historic” Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) abuse.

“This is a first step to ensure that the full extent of the FISA abuse that has occurred during the last few years is exposed and remedied,” Page’s attorney John Pierce told Fox News. “Defendants and those they worked with inside the federal government did not and will not succeed in making America a surveillance state.”

Pierce added, “This is only the first salvo. We will follow the evidence wherever it leads, no matter how high.”

This is his second filing, by the way. In October of 2018, he filed a near-identical suit in Oklahoma. That case was thrown out by a Federal Judge in that State, last January for lack of jurisdiction.

U.S. District Judge Joe Heaton dismissed the suit, which was filed in Oklahoma, saying in his order that the court lacked jurisdiction over the case because both Page and the DNC do not have strong enough ties to the state as the DNC has only a state affiliate.

The new suit looks to be the same brought, presumably, before a court that will actually be able to hear the case.

According to the lawsuit, the DNC, Perkins Coie and partners Marc Elias and Michael Sussman “used false information, misrepresentations and other misconduct to direct the power of the international intelligence apparatus and the media industry against” Page “to further their political agenda.”

I can’t speak to whether this court will get the job done, but Page was clearly wronged entirely for political purposes and should, at the very least, be able to have his case heard. Even it isn’t in Illinois.

| PJ Media

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