New Poll: Will Teacher’s Unions “Holding Students and Parents Hostage” Help Re-Elect Trump

A majority of parents want their kids to go to school. To the school, every day, like it used to be. The teacher’s unions, repeating the Democrat Party narrative, are holding those kids hostage; if they think parents have not noticed, they could be in for an electoral surprise.

Related:  A World Famous Doctor Opposed Closing Schools to Slow the Spread of the Flu

Mr. Trump came out weeks ago and said he thinks our kids need to return to school. A lot of professionals, including medical and mental health professionals, agree.

Aside from children at high risk whose parents should take precuations themselves, the average kid has almost zero-risk of suffering anything but mild flu symptoms if they even get this flu. As for teachers, if they are at risk, they should stay home, everyone else back to work. Students or teachers, if you feel sick, stay home, just like every other flu season, etc., etc.

The unions have their marching orders form the Democrat party, but the parents, for whom they work, are pushing for a full return to something a lot more like normal.

Democrat politicians are aping the Union message because they probably wrote in a basement in DC.

Could this collision of interests have an electoral consequence? Could Teachers Unions holding kids and parents hostage tip more voters toward Trump? How about other Republicans down-ticket?

This snap-poll ends tomorrow (Sunday) at midnight! Access is limited by IP (in case you share a wireless connection).

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