Going Backward: “Charlie Parker” Imposes 14- Day Traveler Quarantine in Mass. with $500.00 Fine for Violators

Messachusetts, Maskachusetts, the People’s Republic, is struggling with the pandemic. In fact, they are going backward. From May to June, their unemployment went up. And as “infections” spike – not an actual indication of anything but testing – and bad tests, Gov. Charlie “Parker” has gone back to mandatory traveler quarantine.

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Under the order, everyone coming to the state must fill out a “Massachusetts Travel Form” and quarantine for 14 days unless they are coming from a state where the coronavirus risk is lower or they can produce a negative coronavirus test result administered no more than 72 hours prior to arriving in Massachusetts, the governor’s office said.

Individuals who get a test must remain in quarantine until they receive their negative test results. “Those who do not comply with the new travel order are subject to a $500 per day fine,” Baker said at a State House news conference.

Every state from New York east, plus New Jersey is exempt from the Bay Stat’s mandate – they have lower infection rates. Hawaii is also exempt. Travelers from any other state will…go somewhere else, which sounds like it’s okay with Massachusetts.

And it’s okay with New Hampshire. You can come here. We’ll take your money.

Meanwhile, Massachusetts has a massive spending machine with a busted revenue wheel. Rising unemployment and reduced tourism won’t do it any favors. Sorry, it won’t do the taxpayers any favors. The machine won’t take the hit. In the end, it will be the residents of Massachusetts who have to bear the cost of these decisions.

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