Headline Should Read: If Out-of-State College Students Don’t Vote in NH Democrats Lose

The Monadnock Ledger-Transcript (MLT) Headline reads: “Primary Source: COVID-19 could affect key college student vote in NH.” By the second sentence, you will realize the headline should be: “If Out-of-State College Students Don’t Vote in NH Democrats Lose.”

Related:  Dartmouth Student Resigns NH House Seat From his Home in California.

If thousands of students at Dartmouth College and other universities around the state don’t return to campus in the fall as a safety precaution, it could also deprive Democrats of a key voting bloc that helped Hillary Clinton in 2016 and was also a deciding factor in Democrat Maggie Hassan’s defeat of then-U.S. Sen. Kelly Ayotte, R-N.H.

Return from where? The state where they actually live? That place to which they would mail an absentee ballot if they were in college in any other state, in the military, or in NH temporarily for work? Yes, that’s where.

These are votes that stole the state’s four electors from Mr. Trump in 2016, and a Senate seat from sometime Republican Kelly Ayotte who lost by less than 1000 votes.

Clinton defeated Donald Trump by just 0.3 percentage points — less than 3,000 votes — in 2016 in New Hampshire, thanks in large part to the 23,100 votes she won in the college towns of Hanover, Durham, Keene and Plymouth, to just 8,600 there for Trump.

Because of thousands of college students who were sent home ‘cuz Virus Socialism to homes that are NOT in New Hampshire, voted here and vote here in every Federal election, and probably more than a few local elections.

Bottom line, out-of-state college students tip election for Democrat candidates, and without their influence, New Hampshire would elect more of their Republican opponents.

Democrats have been stealing New Hampshire elections with non-resident votes, and they’ll do or say anything to keep that gravy train rolling. Like, say, Vote by Mail!

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