House Democrat's Latest Coronavirus Bill is Just Another Left-Wing Bucket List - Granite Grok

House Democrat’s Latest Coronavirus Bill is Just Another Left-Wing Bucket List


Democrats are always looking for a way to spend more of your money. And Nancy Pelosi delivered again, with the release of her latest debt-driven, pork-filled, Left-wing wish list, which begs the question. Do your Democrat congresscritters support it?

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Because, when you pull the mask away, it is about as bad as you’d expect.

Tyler O’Neil at PJ Media compiled a list of some of the worst sops to leftwing interests here, and it’s an amusing grab bag of crap sandwiches.


Blue States Milking Federal Taxpayers
Blue States Milking Federal Taxpayers

First, tax cuts for the rich. You heard that right. The latest coronavirus spending mule repeals a limitation in the


Trump tax cuts that capped federal deductions for state and local taxes. The Trump bill only allowed 10,000.00 dollars in federal deductions for things like state income and property taxes. Democrats howled like stuck pigs, which I wrote about here.

Blue State’s tax the crap out of residents who then write off those taxes on Federal returns, putting everyone else on the hook for outrageous Blue State Spending. Tax write off that overwhelmingly benefit the rich. Trump and Republicans took you off the hook; Democrats want you back on it.

Let Criminals Out of Jail. “The HEROES Act would require the release of prisoners who are older than 50, have health problems.” 

So far, criminals released not the public has, for the most part, proven why they were in jail. Democrats want more of that.

Protecting compromised IG’s. For some reason, a coronavirus bill would make it harder for Presidents (Trump) to Fire compromised Inspector’s General. 

Student Loan Debt Relief. Democrat’s used government force to drive up the price of tuition (guaranteed loans), so Liberal colleges and professors would have more money (to give to them), and now they want you to pay for those loans.

Green Group Handouts. The bill includes 50 million in giveaways to left-wing special interests if they pretend to look into possible connections between pollution and the coronavirus in “Environmental justice communities.”

voted-by-mailForce states to embrace expanded vote by mail. For nearly twenty years, NH Democrats have instead that college students should not be forced to vote (by mail) from the out-of-state address on their tuition bill but now insist everyone must vote by mail. 

LGBT Suicide Hotline Training. Democrats wrecked the culture, specialized kids, confused them, put them on the ledge, and now they want you to pay to train more ‘experts’ to talk them off.

Hate Crimes. Using the Southern Poverty Law Center as a guide, this provision would “create grants for state-level hate crime hotlines, triple damages for civil cases involving a bias incident, and otherwise incentivize reporting.”

Pay People not to work. Extending the added unemployment benefit bonus (stage one basic universal income) to keeps people out of work and dependent on the government to improve their livelihood with other people’s money. And more likely to vote for progressives who increase these benefits.

All in all, another s**t show, forwarded by Democrat leadership, which the Vegas odds suggest your Democrat rep will probably support.

Here in New Hampshire, you’ll be hard-pressed to find opposition, but I invite you to look.

| PJ Media
