Hey, Gov. Flu-nu-nu! - Vermont Just Opened Outdoor Restaurant Seating - Granite Grok

Hey, Gov. Flu-nu-nu! – Vermont Just Opened Outdoor Restaurant Seating


A little over a week ago, we shared the good news from the state, just a step to our Left. Vermont’s “republican” governor announced a plan to begin reopening the state.

Related: Vermont to Start Reopening Its Economy on Monday (Sort of…)

As I noted previously, there was going to be some “opening” there that was never closed here, so some of that would be subjective. Like construction and work crew of 5 or fewer are back on the job and outdoor maintenance as well. I don’t think we ever restricted that. But one promising thing, at least for Vermonters, is this.

Outdoor retail space, previously restricted to curbside or delivery can allow in-person shopping with a maximum of 10 total people.

Farmers Markets may open May 1st with restrictions.

This is not without some petty tyrannies. Businesses have to adhere to specific standards for health and safety. Masks, gloves, you know the drill. Symptomatic people are prohibited from working or entering these spaces (which is common sense during any flu season).

But given what we’ve learned in the past few weeks, this “re-open” is underperforming, in my opinion. But New Hampshire is not even doing that yet. Our COVID-19 gulag is still less accommodating than the People’s Republic of Vermont!

Not that I expect any sudden leaps from a Republican Governor (Chris Flu-nu-nu*) whose shutdown antics have the breathless support of 86% of New Hampshire Democrats. Given that the professional Left has been looking for ways to destroy the economy for three years I’m certain that is a bad thing.


*”Flu-nu-nu (noun) 
An acute, highly destructive disease caused by statism that destroys the Constitution.”

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