Kentucky Passes Law Requiring all School Resource Officers to be Armed

We are strong advocates for having trained armed teachers and staff in our schools. Preferably concealed carry and no way for anyone to know who is armed at any given time. Just that they are numerous and present every day. Kentucky has taken a different path.

Related: Strafford NH School has Gun-Free School Sign – But There’s No Such Thing in NH

Last year the state-mandated that every school has a trained resource officer on site. Last Friday the governor signed a bill into law requiring that they are trained and armed.

“This new legislation, which goes into effect immediately, is crucial to the General Assembly’s continued efforts to protect Kentucky’s children, teachers and staff by improving the safety of our schools,” Wise said. “I am appreciative of all those who provided the necessary input and support to see this measure come to fruition.”

The success of the change will depend on a very public understanding that displays of force will not go unanswered. But one resource officer is the bare minimum deterrent. I hope Kentucky, while they have the momentum, will consider extending this concept to willing teachers and administrators. who have been thoroughly vetted and well-trained in concealed carry and the use of firearms.

Here in New Hampshire, anyone who has been issued a pistol revolver license can carry concealed on public school property, though it is not clear who, including license holders, knows this. That includes the fake gun-free school zones that have popped up here or there across the state.

Neither schoolboards nor local governments have the authority to mandate these zones. There is no authorizing legislation on our Dillon’s Rule state that allows them to enforce it. Not for lack of trying on the part of gun-grabbing Democrats.

We’re in year two of their legislative majority. They are pushing every gun grab Bloomberg’s millions can promote. But Republican Governor Chris Sununu has been quick to veto them, and the minority Republicans have held together to protect those vetoes.

Kentucky doesn’t have that problem but they do still have to deal with a vocal anti-school safety contingent. The disarmament gun-free-school-zone crowd is relentless. Even though the supermajority of mass shootings occur in gun-free zones.

Those objections come down primarily to two things, among the general populace. The fearmongering by the left in its campaign to disarm Americans, and those who are unfamiliar with firearms (or got all their knowledge from TV or Hollywood). That means they don’t know much if anything, and what they do know is probably wrong.

Not an intractable problem to solve but you have to get past the gun-grabbing gatekeepers and their very deep pockets.

Kentucky has taken a step in the right direction. Other states should look to their leadership or, where possible, take the next step. You’ll have fewer school shootings and kids will learn that gun-safety isn’t just about handling firearms. They’ll get used to the idea of them being around.

The far-left Democrats will hate that.



  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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