Short notice, but here we go. We’re not calling it a GrokMeetup but the Southern NH 9.12 group (remember Glen Beck during the TEA Party movement) has invited us ALL to come:
When: Saturday, February 15, 2020 at 7pm
Where: Windham Senior Center, 2 North Lowell Rd, Windham
Why: This informative meeting is being hosted by the Southern NH 9.12 Project, Many people who represent us in government appear to have lost their way. It happens all along the food chain, from the federal level all the way down to our local governments. Even here in Windham. Those who were elected and appointed to serve – are in fact doing just that… but many times it’s difficult to see who it is they are serving. Many times it’s not us – and they need to be held accountable.This informative meeting is being hosted by the Southern NH 9.12 Project, and will be held at 7pm on Saturday, February 15th at the Windham Senior Center, 2 North Lowell Road, Windham.
The meeting is free and open to the public.
And Steve and I have been asked to speak. And the invitation, as if it were also for a GrokMeetup, has been extended to all our readers!
Yes, time gotten away from me in organization actual GrokMeetups – last few months have been, well, busy. So I want to take advantage of this invite even as I know this is in a hurry. Thus, advance warning – we’ll be going out towards the Seacoast area middle of next month. Working on getting a place as I type. Hopefully back out to the Keene area the month after that.