Cornerstone: Keep Abortion Out of State Constitution!

From Cornerstone Action’s legislative update, 1/18/20: a proposed “reproductive medical decisions” amendment to the New Hampshire constitution, CACR 14, will have a hearing before the House Judiciary Committee Wednesday, January 22, at 1 p.m. in room 208 of the Legislative Office Building in Concord. This proposed constitutional amendment is a clear and direct attempt to make abortion a protected right under the New Hampshire constitution – a “right” that would remain intact even if Roe v. Wade were to be overturned.

Cornerstone OPPOSES CACR 14.

What the amendment says: “The right to make personal reproductive medical decisions is inviolate and fundamental to the human condition. Neither the State nor any political subdivision shall infringe upon or unduly inconvenience this right.”

What the amendment would mean: an end to New Hampshire’s parental notification law; mandatory direct funding of abortion by you and all taxpayers; inability to protect women’s health by regulating abortion providers; inability to protect preborn children at any gestational age.

1) A strong pro-life turnout at the hearing on January 22 is extremely important.
Please attend, and bring your friends. Even without providing spoken testimony, you could make a difference simply with your peaceful yet determined presence. Come prepared to stand for awhile; the committee has scheduled the hearing for a room with very limited seating.
2) Contact the House Judiciary Committee ( to urge them to vote INEXPEDIENT TO LEGISLATE on CACR 14. If you are coming to the hearing, you can submit written testimony (bring 20 copies). 3) It is not too early to contact your own state representatives, letting them know that you do not want them to support CACR 14, an extremist measure that does not belong in our constitution.

More from Cornerstone’s update

Special election in Hooksett Tuesday

Hooksett will be holding a special Republican primary on Tuesday, January 21. Hooksett voters will soon elect a new representative for the seat previously held by the late Rep. Richard Marple. There are three Republican candidates. (There is only one Democrat running, so no Democrat primary is needed.)

We urge Hooksett Republicans to learn as much as you can about your candidates, and then go to the polls on Tuesday.
Elliot Axelman:
John Leavitt:
David Ross:

Update on HB 1251, Saving Women’s Sports bill

The House Education Committee will hold a second public session on HB 1251 at a date to be announced later. So many people for and against the bill came to the January 14 hearing to testify that not everyone who signed up was able to speak. Committee chairman Rep. Mel Myler has decided to hold the second session so those people can give their spoken testimony to the committee. The second hearing will be open to the public, although only people who signed up to testify on January 14 will be heard.

Cornerstone SUPPORTS HB 1251.

WHY: This bill would prohibit public schools from permitting a male student to participate in a student sport designated for females. Female athletes deserve a level playing field. They should not have to compete against biological males for a spot on the podium, even if those males claim a female gender identity, something that is already happening at all levels of sport. (One example is that of a biological male from Franklin Pierce College who won the women’s Division II 2019 national NCAA championship in the 400-meter hurdles.)

1) Watch Cornerstone’s updates and Facebook posts for an announcement of the continued hearing. Attend if you can. Even if you don’t testify, you should be able to sign in supporting the bill.
2) Contact members of the House Education Committee, and ask them to recommend “ought to pass” on HB 1251.

Watch for these hearings in the coming weeks

Wednesday, January 29, the House Judiciary Committee will have hearings on three bills impacting abortion.

  • 10:00 a.m.: HB 1475-FN, prohibiting abortions after detection of fetal heartbeat.
  • 11:00 a.m. HB 1640-FN, relative to parental notification prior to abortion. This would remove the judicial bypass provision of our state’s parental notification law, while leaving the parental notification requirement intact.
  • 2:00 p.m. HB 1678-FN, the prenatal nondiscrimination act, which would prohibit abortion in cases of Down syndrome, genetic abnormality, or sex selection.

Also, on the 29th at 1:00 p.m., the House Judiciary Committee will have a hearing on HB 1675-FN, the born-alive infants protection act. This would confirm a right of a child who survives attempted abortion to medically appropriate and reasonable care and treatment.

Wednesday, February 12, 1:00 p.m.: the House Judiciary Committee will have a hearing on HB 1659-FN, an assisted suicide bill.


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