While Kuster and Pappas Fiddle with Impeachment NH Agriculture “Burns”

Both of New Hampshire’s Democrat congresspeople were eager little beavers when it came to supporting impeachment. They’ve milked the collusion hoax – exhausting most if not all of their (well paid) time as our public servants wasting our time and money.

Pappas could have saved us $176,000 by peeking his head out from the kitchen of his restaurant for an “I’d vote for impeachment” sound bite, instead of taking up space inside the beltway and burning daylight. Where there is actual work that he or Ms. Kuster could have been doing.

Like… pressuring their Speaker to take a vote on the USMCA.

No, it’ not a Village People Song. It’s the United States Mexico Canada Treaty and just about everybody likes it. It’s a better deal than NAFTA (at least for the US). And if you happen to be elected to Congress from New Hampshire like Madam and Messieurs Kuster and Pappas (respectively) it sustains 600 jobs and is worth about 76 million to New Hampshire’s agriculture economy.

And it’s something that, I’m going to say this, we need members of Congress to do. But we’re not doing that. Instead, we’re watching a parade of disgruntled career bureaucratic swamp creatures bitch about how this President isn’t doing things exactly the way they’d like.

Translation? No crime, no impeachable offenses, no evidence of either. Nothing but “feelings,” and even those are proving to be disastrous for the House Democrats case for a vote to issues actual articles of impeachment, for which Pappas and Kuster would make time if the thing hasn’t collapsed and imploded thanks to Adam Schiff’s parade of “damning star witnesses.” (Damn! Trump is innocent but all these Democrats look guilty!)

Long story short. We elect people to Congress to represent New Hampshire’s interests, not those of hacks and ax grinders in DC. But it looks like that’s who we sent down there. Puppets to Nancy Pelosi’s agenda, which is clearly not New Hampshire’s or the USMCA would already be in force, and we’d be reaping the benefits.

We’re not.

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