We are being strong-armed into believing something that really isn’t reality


“But the people who oppose my existence still want to think of me as male…” – Nobody is denying your existence. Much more on that in another post, because it’s clear you are a loud-mouthed bully. And that gives rise to other thoughts of what else might be wrong upstairs.

Related: Women’s Masters Track Cycling Event World Champion is a Man (Again!)

But I AM getting tired being told that chromosomes can be denied. However, what many of us are saying is that you are a lout and you’re trying to hide behind the Trans Curtain in order to justify it.

Just like the militant gays who went after known Christian businesses in order to make them bend to your wills – or put them out of business even as they used the Democrat Identity Politics Totem Pole to claim “oppression.”

Nor is it fair, or about equality, or some notion of “dignity.” What we are seeing is a whole notion that we aren’t supposed to believe our lyin’ eyes.  Sorry, if you think that you’re a she who should be addressed as he, or a he as a she.

In this world where pretty much every outrageous idea is accepted as fact, if you are not willing to accept the”evolving” being forced upon everyone, well, have you got a thing coming to you.  After all, it was Erick Erickson’s observation of “You WILL be made to care” that is not just a warning to the Right but a go-to mantra for and on behalf of the Left.  And what else can better signify Leftist thought in having you believe something that you know isn’t true? Emphasis mine:

“Rachel McKinnon — the so-called defending “world champion” of women’s track cycling — is a man. I’ll repeat that so my meaning cannot be misconstrued. He is a man.”

First, by pretending that McKinnon is not a man, we have allowed him to cheat at sports at the expense of his female competitors. Because McKinnon being a man is directly relevant to the argument that he should not compete against women, in calling him something other than a man, we obfuscate that argument — and all for the sake of a very recently invented set of blasphemy norms (e.g. “misgendering” and “deadnaming”) that don’t apply to us non-believers.

Second, by pretending that McKinnon is not a man — but rather a vulnerable woman — we have forsworn all expectations of accountability and decency. The most egregious example of this, and the precise moment I decided to stop lending McKinnon special courtesies, was when he lauded the terminal illness of a young woman, Magdalen Berns, whom I held (and still hold) in great esteem.

Berns believed strongly that men cannot be women. As she lay on her deathbed in Scotland, at the age of 36, surrounded by her loved ones, McKinnon tweeted that he was “happy” when bad people died, that this feeling is “justified,” that Berns is a “trash human,” and further advised his followers “don’t be the sort of person who people you’ve harmed are happy you’re dying of brain cancer.” By contrast, here is a characteristically civil, clear and courageous quote from Berns: “it’s not hate to defend your rights and it’s not hate to speak the truth.”

Go read the entire post here.  Note the kind of jerk HE really is:

Other women have tried to articulate similar sentiments with regards to McKinnon. Take Jen Wagner-Assali, who, after coming in third to McKinnon at the UCI Masters Track World Championship in 2018, tweeted: “it’s definitely NOT fair.” After being bullied, Wagner apologized to McKinnon for causing offense. But that wasn’t enough, as McKinnon explained. “The apology is not accepted: she still thinks what she said. She merely apologizes for being caught saying it publicly.”

With him and many others on the Left, it isn’t about you merely saying the right things – you are now REQUIRED to THINK all the right things or you will be humiliated and outcast forever. It’s no longer about tolerating or even being accepting – as McKinnon has shown, it must be total affirmation of his choices.

Or maybe not.

There is, like my recent post on renewable windmills, a growing trend of pushback on all kinds of things that we were told by the “experts” that all kinds of stuff would be either good for us or good for others (and we knew better but remained silent: experts, ya know, or Political Correctness). Here we see a Trans bully in action: how DARE you not just “accept” me on my own say so but you must AFFIRM my decision and praise me for it. And now it is starting in this space as well.

In this case, and in his own words, we see how much of a narcissist Rhys McKinnon and how self-centered he is.  The problem is that with much of the “Outrage Society”, the problem is not the perception that it is now fair to oppress one’s “Oppressors” but sheer and plain selfishness. It isn’t just about the Me Generation, it’s all about ME ALL THE TIME. Or about my child that should force you to swap your eyeballs out in order to conform to their worldview (your’s be damned). That remark of his that Berns is a “trash human” is something we on the Right see all the time.  Pick any one of note on the Right that also passes on in recent years and you’ll see a pack of Progressives in all kinds of platform aping McKinnon’s taunt. The sun goes up, the sun goes down – it’s there.

This is not how I raised my sons and not how I am raising the Grandson.  Most people do similarly. Simply be nice.  Yet, most of the Left is just plain mean and this guy is a prime example of it simply because we reject their worldview.

And we at GraniteGrok let them know it every day. Trying to make ANYONE believe something they know isn’t true isn’t just bullying – it’s already down that road of being totalitarian.  Just ask Winston Smith.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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