Journalism Was Supposed to Hold the Powerful to Account – Now It Protects Them.

The Media, Da’ Media, Legacy Media, Main Stream Media, Lame Stream Media, Dinosaur Media, there are many names. These are the J-School run progressive bastions of messaging control. Their job is to craft and control what you believe to be true.

Alternate Media got In the Way

Rush Limbaugh saved the AM dial and converted talk radio into a weapon of mass discussion. He took on topics and angles that the media was ignoring or on how the media was covering them or not.

The internet, blogs, and various media delivery portals continue to deliver sound and fury in contrast to the thin liberal gruel served by the Alphabets and their Cable offspring. It got so bothersome that the Media decided to label everything that wasn’t sanctioned by the cartel as fake news.

Donald Trump stole their cudgel and has been beating them with it ever since.  In response to this, they have managed to prove him right repeatedly. CNN hit hardest.

James O’Keefe took his undercover investigative resources, doing work the media would no longer do, and dug into the MSM like a tick they didn’t know they had. He’s messing with them, and they don’t like it. 

It’s going to get worse.

We learned recently that both ABC and NBC buried major sex abuse scandals involving powerful, wealthy, well connected Democrats. Donors. Folks held in high regard whose behaviors were not unknown.

Both stories had reporters who actually did do good work and delivered the goods on both but had their stories spiked. Why? This journalism would expose powerful political allies or their associations with members of the protected ruling class.

Politics is more important than truth. Justice for those abused, women including minors, was a secondary consideration to protecting powerful people.

Harvey Weinstein got taken down by a movement established to harass Donald Trump. #MeToo has claimed many scalps, almost all on the left.

Jeffy Epstein, insanely wealthy was finally exposed. To keep him from talking about the powerful people, someone put a noose around his neck. 

When news broke, thanks to Project Veritas, exposing the corruption, ABC and CBS colluded to punish someone whom they claim was responsible for a leak exposing the spiked story. A move that Tucker Carlson, speaking to Laura Ingraham, observes is the complete 180-degree inversion of journalism. “Which is to hold the powerful to account.” Instead, these networks exist to work in conjunction with those in power to protect them and their agendas.

This is a critical point. Who else are they protecting? What else are they covering up? And, never forget to remember who they are attacking, with mostly fake news.

Those people are a threat to the power and control these networks not exist to protect.

Here are Tucker and Laura.

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