Fraser Institute Ranks New Hampshire Number One for Economic Freedom (Again!)

The Fraser Institute’s Annual Economic Freedom Report has been released, and New Hampshire is number one in the United States again.

Related: Fraser Institute: New Hampshire Rated#1 for Economic Freedom in North America

The Economic Freedom of North America report measures government spending, taxation and labor market restrictions using data from 2017, the most recent year of available comparable data.

The Left like to complain about how we tax. Because we don’t tax enough. And yes, our reliance on property taxes is a sticking point for their narrative. But our overall taxes and tax burden is low. And relying primarily on property taxes while eschewing other broad-based taxes  (IMO) is why. 

“New Hampshire’s low-tax, limited-government political culture continues to make the Granite State the envy of both New England and the nation,” said Andrew Cline, president of the Josiah Bartlett Center for Public Policy, which partnered with the Fraser Institute in releasing the study. “New York and Vermont, on the other hand, continue to show us that economic freedom retreats when under attack from high taxes and heavy regulations.”

Vermont, appropriately to our left, has not been anywhere close to New Hampshire in economic freedom. But in recent years it’s decline has accelerated. It is now the fourth-least economically free state in the nation.

No other New England state made the top ten. Connecticut ranked 13th, Massachusetts 17th, Maine 36th, Rhode Island 38th, and Vermont 47th.

Democrats in New Hampshire are working to knock the Granite State off its economic freedom perch. A spot that has afforded us the best economy in New England, and one of the hottest economies in the nation.

They are, the Democrats, more interested in having a large intrusive government, like New York, which has ranked last for economic freedom five years in a row.

New York also has a spending problem, a deficit problem, and a net out-migration problem because of Democrats and the left’ one-party domination over the state. In which lies the lesson.

Stop electing democrats, embrace economic freedom and prosperity. A lesson the entire nation needs to remember.

| Josiah Bartlett 

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