Drag Queens Refuse to do Future Events at Library that Featured Anti-Drag Feminist

The social constructs on the left have a habit of becoming anti-choice or anti-speech advocates. Their ideology demands it. So, while men dressing up as ugly clownish caricatures of women is okay, an actual woman who says drag queens are real women is bad.

It is a not-women-women’s-rights thing or something. Anyway.

Breitbart News reported that the activists are boycotting the Toronto Public Library this week for giving a forum to Meghan Murphy, a popular writer and speaker with the chutzpah to publicly argue that “women aren’t men.

If you point out things like men generally are taller, the snowflakes melt. If you let someone who thinks a man in a dress is just a man in a dress speaks at the same library, they are prepared to boycott the establishment forever.

As of a Tuesday announcement on Instagram, Robertson and Kane are canceling one of their “Fay & Fluffy’s Storytime” events, saying they are unwilling to “continue a relationship with a space that will host someone who is actively fighting to take away” transgender rights.

Really? Is it that easy? 

“I could not call myself an ally and fighter for my community if I continue a relationship with a space that will host someone who is actively fighting to take away my legal rights as a human. Trans people existing and having rights to employment, housing, and safety is not a discussion.”

No one denies your right as a human. You are a human man dressed as a woman. And you can dress up and exist all you want. You can pretend to be a cat or a T-Rex, or Donna Summer, but under no circumstance are you entitled to infringe on my right to disagree. That includes insisting that I ignore your biology and embrace your fantasy?

I don’t care if you think you’re fabulous get over yourself.

But thanks for the heads up. All we have to do is ask a public library to host some women who lost sports scholarships to men pretending to be women, and you won’t dress up like ugly clownish caricatures of women to indoctrinate children. Challenge accepted!

I also know some LGB people who don’t think you’re women either. If they do an event at a public library, does that despoil the sacred alter as well? No more sacrificing the minds of youth to your intolerance and strange sartorial choices?

And the makeup. Sweet Mary. Women should be offended that you think you are women.

And if the library refuses these alternative lifestyles to yours, for any reason, well, that’s a story. One that starts with, why do we still have libraries again? To indoctrinate children into the social-justice cult? I thought we were already paying the through the nose to have the public schools to do that?

| Western Journal

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